13. scoops ahoy

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina Hargrove slams the drivers side door closed, slings her backpack around her shoulders, and heads towards the big glowing sign of Starcourt Mall.

She rolls her eyes as she watches couples openly make out, clearly not've been taught about the simple rules of PDA. Gina finds an open spot on the crowded escalators, giving a weak apologetic smile to the people she practically shoved to the side. Funny enough, Gina gets shoved to the side by none other than Max Mayfield.

"Watch it, asshole!" Gina yells, making Max turn around, relived to see it's only Gina and not some old guy.

After last years events, Max and Gina grew somewhat closer, both finding things in common. Music, movies, and hating Billy.

Another kid pushes by next, who Gina immediately realizes is Stephanie, Max's closest friend.

"Oh, sorry, Gina," she whispers, putting an apologetic hand up as a sort of awkward wave.

The escalator meets the floor and Gina walks into the Scoops Ahoy shop, where everyone who works there has to wear a sailors uniform. Steve works there, so Gina likes to sit in there and make fun of him when she's not busy.

Once Gina walks up to the counter, the girl at the register rolls her eyes at the mob of kids running to the back room.

"Uh...Excuse me," Gina quietly says to the girl at the register, seeing that her name tag says that her name is Robin.

If her name is Robin, then someone out there has to be named Canary.

"Oh, sorry about that. What do you want to order?" Robin answers the girl, leaning her hands on the counter.

Gina can immediately tell that Robin is definitely considered the 'loud kid' as she's practically yelling even though the two are literally a foot apart.

"I'll just do a mint chip in a cone," Gina says as she pulls out five dollars from her pocket.

"Alright, mint chip in a cone," Robin mutters to herself as she starts to scoop the ice cream. "Okay that's three fifty." Robin smiles and hands Gina the cone and takes the five from Gina.

As Robin hands Gina her change, Gina decides to spark up a conversation. "Are you guys hiring here?"

Robin thinks for a moment. "Probably, why do you ask?"

"Why else would I ask?" Gina responds flatly, genuinely confused as to why Robin would ask that.

"Oh, sorry! I mean I just thought that you were trying to, you know, strike up a conversation and just making small talk, because you would not believe the amount of people who come in here asking all sorts of crazy things about this place. Like, 'oh, when does this store open?' it's not like you didn't see the opening times plastered to the wall! And when people come in asking what flavors of ice cream they can get, read the sign that's four inches from your face! It is seriously and absolutely not that hard!"

crazy kid | r. buckleyWhere stories live. Discover now