39. it's vecna

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                                  IT'S VECNA

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                                  IT'S VECNA

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina drops her bike in front of Eddie's trailer, breaking past the caution tape and into the trailer.

Hearing a thrumming sound, Gina slowly looks up to the ceiling, seeing a large gate. "Woah," she whispers as everyone else stands around the gate.

Dustin stares up at it, then he points to Stephanie and snaps his fingers. "We're gonna need something to break the skin with so they can get through."

Stephanie looks around the room. "Uh..."

Max picks up a broom and she throws it to Dustin. "Here!"

Taking the end of the broom, Dustin breaks through the skin, some water-like liquid falling onto the carpet as he throws the broom to the ground and looks through the gate.

Steve, Nancy, Robin, and Eddie all come into view, but it looks as though they're upside down. Fitting, isn't it?

Looking to Robin, Gina gives her an apologetic wave, seeing her return with a half smile.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina helps Max carry a mattress through the narrow doorway as a sort of landing pad.

"The hell are these stains?" Max scoffs, wiping her hands on her jacket.

Stephanie shrugs from beside Max. "I don't know, and I bet Eddie doesn't know either."

By tying bedsheets together, Dustin and Lucas created a rope for them to use to climb through.

Dustin throws the rope through the gate, saying something about if his theory is correct, he then takes his hands off of the rope, watching in awe as it holds without any support.

Gina stares at the rope hanging, also sparing a glance to Robin and then thinking about their argument in the Creel house. The entire thing spiraled out of control and it's all Gina's fault. She shouldn't have even bought from Eddie in the first place, then not telling Robin was even worse, then the whole fight at school could've been avoided if Gina could just talk to people. Even—

Cutting off Gina's thoughts, Robin falls through the gate, letting out a sigh of relief as she lands on the mattress

Both Gina and Stephanie offer their hands to Robin, her taking one of each. But when Robin touches Stephanie's hand, she doesn't pull her up, causing Robin to stumble backwards. Gina's about to ask Stephanie what she's doing, but immediately realizes something is very wrong.

Her eyes are white, rolled back into her head. Her posture is too straight. All of this reminding Gina of Max. When Vecna possessed her. Oh, shit.

Max runs over to Stephanie, shaking her by the shoulders. "What's happening?" she asks, tears already forming in her eyes.

"Vecna," is all Gina can say.

"Guys, what's happening?" Steve yells from the other side of the gate.

Lucas stands up, running to the landing pad. "It's Stephanie! You guys need to get through!"

Immediately, Steve falls through, followed by Nancy and Eddie.

Gina notices the tears in Steve's eyes as he looks at Stephanie.

"Favorite song!" Dustin yells, "what's her favorite song?!"

Max thinks, shaking her head like she's trying to find the right thought. "Shit, I...I don't remember! It's uh...it's something like 'take me away', I don't—"

"Take on Me?" Nancy suggests.

Max nods aggressively, not taking her hands off of Stephanie.

Everyone runs into Eddie's room, desperate to find the right cassette. Gina, however, runs out the front door and to Max's trailer.

Running faster than she has ever before, Gina slams open the front door, heading for Max's room. And there it is, right on the dresser, Take on Me by a-ha. With no time to think, Gina grabs the tape and runs back into Eddie's trailer, where they still haven't found the right tape.

"Where did you go?" Steve shouts, tears now staining falling down his cheeks.

Gina taps Max on the shoulder, showing her the tape as she says, "stop whining, I got it."

As fast as possible, Max takes her Walkman and puts the cassette into it, putting the headphones on Stephanie and then only being able to hope that it works.

It becomes silent in the trailer, only being able to hear the muffled lyrics.

We're talking away

But I don't know what I'm to say

I'll say it anyway

Todays another day to find you

Shying away

I'll be coming for your love, okay?

Take on me

Take me on

I'll be gone

In a day or two

Almost as suddenly as it started, it ends. Stephanie gasps and falls back into Max's arms.

Gina looks to Steve. He stares at Stephanie, his eyes boring into her, looking numb. She takes his hand. "She's fine, Steve," Gina whispers to him, although he doesn't look back or answer, like if he took his eyes away from Stephanie then Vecna will possess her again.

"I'm..." Stephanie starts, trying to catch her breath. "I'm okay. I'm okay." She buries her face into Max's neck, everyone else barely being able to hear her say, "it's Vecna, Max."

woahh end of volume 1 guess who's the awesomest

this is NOT a gina and steve ship so don't even try 😡😡😡

this one is short but it's fine (🥲)


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