38. protocol, my ass

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                       PROTOCOL, MY ASS

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⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ Gina tries to get out of the Chief's grasp, stopping for a second out of shock when she feels cold metal around her wrists.

"Come on, is that really necessary?" she scoffs as they lead her toward the cop car, Dustin close behind. "Why me?"

"Repeat offender," the Chief answers. "It's protocol."

Gina rolls her eyes, her strides widening as they approach the car. "Protocol, my ass," she remarks, being put into the backseat.

⋇⋆✦⋆⋇ "What exactly were you all doing at the lake?" Chief Powell asks the kids on the couch of the Wheeler house, Gina separate from the rest, sitting on a chair closer to the Chief, still handcuffed, but not behind her back like earlier tonight.

The four look at each other, Gina giving them wide eyes, trying not to be noticed by everyone's parents looming behind the cops. Everyone's parents, meaning everyone besides Max, Stephanie, and Gina.

"It's comp-" Dustin starts, only to immediately stop and look to the others. He can't lie to save his life.

"We were...uh, we were...going for a walk, yeah, a walk." Stephanie answers, giving everyone else a look, a hint to get on the same page.

"A walk?" Officer Callahan repeats, obviously not believing her. "At nine p.m?"

"To the lake!" Dustin says, his voice so squeaky it's hard to believe they aren't lying. "We were gonna take a little swim. Little night swim."

"Dusty," Dustin's mom speaks up, "someone was just murdered there."

"No, uh, we were going to swim, but then...then we realized that it's, like, way too cold outside anyways..." Stephanie lies, looking to everyone else for approval, Gina nodding along. "So we decided to just hang out by the shore."

"And Nancy," Mrs. Wheeler puts her hand over her forehead as she speaks. "Was she with you at this night swim?"



Max and Dustin give each other death glares.

"We're not sure." Lucas gives a slight smile.

"She was there," Gina says; the first thing she's said since they arrived at the Wheeler's. "But then she left, said she had something to do."

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