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5:59 AM

„Today is a great day for you all! Today we will assign you into squads of three for the mission standing ahead! The mission in question being a total wipe of rouge drones on Copper-9!" A female wearing a spacesuit spoke into a microphone atop a podium. Her nameplate read ‚Tessa'.

„So we'll begin to assign said squads and their designated regions now."

Serial Designation N was a ‚male' disassembly drone. Equipped with submachine guns, blades, wings, a nanite acid stinger and a rocket launcher, which could also act as an emotion visualizer. He was liked by the less efficient workers and disliked by the more efficient ones. The reason being, that he wasn't as efficient at his work as he could be. Plus he had an enormous crush on his workmate,
Serial Designation V. Everyone knew about his obsession with V. Even Herself. Yet she always ignored or kept a cold facade around him.

Serial Designation V was a ‚female' disassembly drone. Equipped with just about everything N had in store, except that she also had access to a laser cutter. V was liked by every drone because of her cold facade and high kill quota, making her very efficient at her work.

N recently saw her in the training room, where she tried to best her own record of completing the training mission in under five minutes. He watched her in secret that day.

N kept thinking about the way she moved, how she disassembled the test dummies and her overall badassness. He did so for a bit longer until he was violently shaken out of it.

J stood in front of him, shaking him. „N! We're assigned to squad Beta! Did you get that? Squad beta?" J repeated her last words slowly, so that even an idiot could understand her. „Now come, we got to practice working as a team."

Serial Designation J was another ‚female' disassembly drone. She was equipped just like V, but also had a Squadleader intercoms system built in. She could communicate with HQ on their missions.

A special course was set up in the training room. It depended heavily on teamwork. One of the drones would have to lead the pair through a maze and help them with specific tasks. A timer was set for five minutes, which meant that they'd have to move quick and effective.

The Trio chose to have N as the dispatcher, mainly due to his low kill quota from previous missions.
The first obstacle was a room with a single door. Said door was reinforced and had a keypad next to it. They'd have to open it, rewire it and activate it. The only drone with a manual as to how it works was the dispatcher though. So N would take responsibility for this obstacle.

„Hey, synergistic liability! We need help over here. Quick!" J yelled through their squad intercoms system. "O-Oh yeah! One moment ladies!" N exclaimed, frantically searching the room he was in for a manual about keypads. „Hey Loser, we only got like a few more seconds for this room." V added, making him even more frantic.

„I-I got it! Cross the Re-" *BEEP!*

N was cut off by a loud buzzing noise as their rooms were filled with a red light. „Squad Beta, Restart." a robotic voice announced.

He didn't hear anything over the intercoms system for a few seconds. „J? V?" he asked sheepishly. Suddenly the door to his room flew open with a loud bang and the duo walked inside. J approached him whilst V stood near the door.

„You absolute f*cking idiot!" J yelled as she grabbed him by his jacket. „Are you capable of doing a single thing right!?" She slapped and dropped him to the ground. She got close up into his face. „If you screw up one more time, V and me are filing a replacement order for you." she threatened. N worryingly looked over to V, who just slowly shook her head in disappointment.

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