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A loud buzzing noise filled V's ears as she laid on the ground. Snow and dirt slowly tumbled down upon her. The gigantic 152mm HE-FS shell had directly hit the mobile ATGM
(Anti-Tank-Guided-Missile) Launcher, resulting in numerous casualties of worker and soldier drones. In addition to that, the Launcher itself had been completely vapourized. There was nothing left of it, or it's crew. After all, 8.6 kilograms of TNT weren't a joke. Even to date, disassembly drone's missile's had a TNT filler of approximately 1.2 - 1.6 kgs. More than enough to wipe out a group of workers. A shell that is 5 times more potent would obviously result in oblivion to anyone close to impact.

Between the constant buzzing noise, which indicated damage to her accoustic sensors, she could hear painful moaning and calls for help. The entire squad that had been dispatched to deal with N had been obliderated by the explosion. The ground was littered with synthetic and mechanical parts alike, aswell as oil splatters all over the place. Although already fully repaired and ready for action, V still needed some time to get up. The shackles they'd placed on her before Tessa, N and H made a daring escape for town in a tank, had been broken by what seemed to be steel debris from one of the crew members of the ATGM Launcher. She sighed and slowly stood up. However, the second that the female straightened her posture, she almost fainted... 

So... shell shock was an actual thing that could happen to drones then... interesting. V glanced to her left and noticed a soldier, who crawled towards the gate of the colony. One of his legs was a twisted mess of material. She felt her anger boiling up inside. These low-life's had actually managed to knock her out and put her in handcuffs... considering they are the enemy FOR THE MOMENT, it wouldn't hurt to show some brutality... right?

With that thought in mind, V swapped her right hand to a submachine weapon, and fired a single bullet into the back of the soldiers skull. Slowly but surely the female disassembly drone stepped through the cold snow, past the remains of bodies and corpses of soldier drones. Those who survived the inital explosion were swiftly put down... most of them for their own good. And then the cleanup had been done. V sighed, swapped back to her normal hands and dropped to the ground. Then a few worker drones rushed out of the colony. V spotted a female with a young drone frantically pacing around the corpses of the soldiers, until they eventually stopped and knealt down next to a drone that V had executed. 

This particular male soldier hadn't even been critically injured... she'd just let her anger unfold upon him. The female stranger began bawling her eyes out just like her daughter. V couldn't stand the sight anymore and had to look away. That could've been them if they were born natural worker drones... What would she do if N had died in that tank?... A series of horrible thoughts flashed through her mind. Then the disassembly drone violently shook her head and deployed her wings. She needed to see him. Right now.

Without wasting another second V dashed into the sky, spotted N and began a nosedive towards him. She slowed down hard just before colliding with him so it wouldn't hurt them too much. And then they embraced one another... well rather crashed into one another. The disassembly drone pair tumbled over the frozen road like a tumbleweed and eventually came to a stop, with V ontop of N. "... V?! W-What are you-!" 

N was cut off as the female embraced him. She stayed like that for about three seconds before quickly getting up. As quick as the moment had come, it had passed. The male drone was still flabbergasted and blinked twice before getting back up. Then out of nowhere V punched him into his left shoulder. "Ouch! W-What the hell!?" He shook his head in disbelief at V. First she was all happy to see him, and then she almost annihilated his shoulder. "That's for scaring me." The female exclaimed.

"So... it really looks like we can't stay at the colony anymore. We just wiped out a group of their trained drones... we need to find this secret underground research facility quickly." V added before anyone could say anything. H and Tessa had just caught up with them. The human only heard the last few words from V. "Great thought, let's get to it then!" The party quickly departed towards the spire as N sent a text message to Uzi, telling her to come meet them at their "home".

About an hour later...

"ARE YOU CRAZY?!" Uzi yelled at BOTH N and V. "First, you guys come here proposing an... an offer of peace, then YOU!-" She pointed at the male disassembly drone, whom had rolled himself up, almost like an armadillo. "- come in, murder numerous inhabitants for robo jesus knows why, then a literal TANK comes out of NOWHERE and you use it to kill an ENTIRE GROUP of trained soldiers to defend the colony in worst case scenarios. AND YOU-" she now pointed at V who only rolled her eyes as she leaned against the wall. "- was it really that necessary to KILL every single last soldier out there? even the ones who only... had a minor CRACK in their visor?! Do you two have ANY idea how absolutely FURIOUS my father is?! He's planning to bombard... this TOWER of corpses!" 

The worker drone took a deep breath after she just vented all of her frustration at once. "The point is, we have to get you two to the research facility right now. I believe the rust inside V's head is already reacting with your personality complex... and N, where does all this sudden anger come from? You need to be rebooted. We'll be able to do that all over there... hopefully."

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