Mysteries of the Past

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The thunderstorm outside of the manor was rampaging heavily across the lands. Raindrops crashed loudly against the large windows and every now and then lightning struck, briefly lighting up the interior. N was walking alongside V to the library. They'd done all their chores for the day and were off-duty. "S-So whats- uhm, your favourite book?" V asked sheepishly. "I love reading about dogs! Especially golden retrievers!"The male worker replied energetically. He put his arm around V. "You know, we should read about them together!" He nuzzled his forehead against her. A blush blinked up on her visor and she chuckled. "S-Sure! I can't wait!" V replied, now energized as much as N.

They soon made it to the library and N led her to the section about dogs. He picked his favorite book out of a large shelf. "Here! This one is all about golden retrievers! They are just so cute!" He thrived with energy and hugged the book with a bright smile. V loved seeing him like this and sat down in the middle of the corridor between the bookshelves. She patted the floor next to her, signaling his place. N sat down next to her and he began reading about them. During the time he was reading to her, V truly felt like she belonged to him. She didn't want to do anything besides this all day long. Just sitting with him in the middle of the library, reading about dogs and enjoying each others company.

8:37 AM
The Spire

V was rudely thrown out of her dream by loud banging and clanging outside. N was nowhere to be seen inside the pod, so she stood up and peeked outside. N was outside, throwing bodies of dead workers around like a maniac. "WHY?!" he cried out as he torn a body apart. "WHY CAN'T SHE SEE ME FOR WHO I REALLY AM!? THIS SUCKS SO MUCH!" He broke down in the snow and began sobbing. "G-Get over it N... She'll never s-see you like you see h... her. I-It's best to, move o-on." he said to himself with heavy sobs. V felt her own tears run down the sides of her visor. She wiped them away and leaned against the cold steel wall of the pod. "This is pure hell... How did it ever come to this..." V asked the empty interior of the pod, which provided her with no answer at all. Suddenly she heard crunchy footsteps in the snow. N was returning to the pod.

She quickly returned to her seat, put the chain in place and waiting for him. N entered the pod, glance at her shortly, shook his head and then sat down in seat across from her. "Uh... you ok N?" V asked. This was the first time in years she hadn't ridiculed him, or called him a loser. Upon hearing something, that didn't insult him for once from her, his face quivered and he threw himself onto her. The heavy-duty chair mount almost gave way under the sudden impact and squealed loudly. He buried his face in her chest and began to sob. This was the first time in years that she'd been this close to him, so it felt awkward at first, but quickly filled her with a nostalgic warmth. V embraced the sad disassembly drone and rested her own head on top of his.

Over the years she'd forgotten how soft and nice his artificial hair actually was. She loved feeling it again, even though he still vibrated once or twice every now and then, sobbing heavily. They held the position for a few minutes until N finally calmed down. He looked up at V's visor. "Thanks V... I really needed this." He said softly and smiled shyly. V had to control herself not to blush. She winked with her right eye. "Anytime N. We should probably go to sleep. We've got enough provisions and we don't have anything to do anyways." V knew that he'd be beating himself up again if he began to think about Uzi now, so she urged him to sleep. "Yeah..." He buried his face in her soft chest again.

Suddenly he exhaled and she felt all the tension in his body vanish at once. He'd fully relaxed now, which made her extremely happy. V began to stroke through his head slowly. He began to purr in response. A nostalgic feeling suddenly filled her and she felt like she never left the manor and that all of this truly was only a bad dream. A bad dream that lasted for more than 20 years now. Her life really sucked. It sucked so much that she'd thought about self disassembly multiple times during their stay on this icy planet. Death by sunlight or by nanite acid, both really painful and slow, but at least she'd be done for good. However it were moments like this that kept her from actually committing stuff like that. For example when N saved her from the sun early on in the mission, or how he actually really cares about her.

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