On the Hunt

746 11 49

1:42 AM
Camp 98.7 - Large wooden cabin

N laid still on the sofa and stared at the ceiling. He wasn't able to get any sleep whatsoever... V's sudden moodchange was still right in front of his eyes. The way she slithered out of his embrace and then darted away. Maybe she needed comfort? But then again... from him? Why would she choose him to comfort her anyways? There were many drones suited way better for something like that anyways...

Yet the thought didn't leave his mind, and so the male drone laid wide awake in the now pitch black living room. The wind was howling outside, the sound dampened just enough by the wooden structure to encourage a cozy surrounding whilst snowflakes were lightly plastering against the glass windows. Fine. He'd do it. He'd go check on her, see if she's alright. And with that thought in mind, N sat upright on the sofa, turned a whole 90 degrees to his right and stood up. Carefully he wandered through the living room and towards the stairs. Thankfully for him, JCJenson had equipped him with NVD, which helped him see in the dark.

Slowly he had made his way to the stairs and finally began to ascend to the top floor. Once upstairs the drone followed the short hallway and came to a stop right in front of a bedroom door. A gentle knock should be enough to get her attention... IF she was awake that is. And so N knocked on the wooden surface. There was no sound coming from inside. Then a minute later a female voice raspily asked who it was. "Who's there?" N's circulation pump began stirring up his hydraulic system again, simulating a form of adrenaline rush. "U-Uhm... V? Are you ok?" He waited patiently for an answer. 

"Yeah. Why do you ask?" N thought for a moment. Her voice was raspy, she didn't answer right away, and asked why he wanted to know... so... she's ok after all then? "Just wanted to check up on you. Thought you'd might need someone to talk to." A short silence errupted again, dragging on until the situation became lightly uneasy. "That's... very kind of you N... I, uh- I assume we could talk." The circulation pump spun even faster, granting N an euphoric feeling. He opened the door gently and stepped inside, closing the door behind him again.

The male's optical sensors had to adjust to the sudden change in lighting because V had turned on a small lamp on a bedside table. When they finally adjusted N audibly gulped. V had taken off her boy scouts uniform and hung it neatly onto a clotheshanger that was attached to a large wardrobe to the right of the bed. All she wore now was her underwear, which N had never seen before. A dim shine form her main core errupted from the middle of her chest in the shape of a rhombus. The female sighed and closed her eyes. "It was... pretty warm in here when I first came in. However I opened the window not so long ago."

N nodded in response but didn't dare to step closer. Although V had been laying in a double bed there was still a rather large open space next to her, at the wardrobe side. "You know you can sit down right?" She gently patted the bed, signaling him where to sit, and then noticed something. There was... something off about N. "N? Are you ok?" Now the roles had swapped, where V was the one concerned because he had suddenly turned away from her. In addition to that he held something against his crotch and breathed loudly. "U-U-Uhm... V-V? Is... I-Is this n-normal?" The male drone then turned to face her again and took his hands away from the spot he was holding.

V took a close look and choked on her own saliva. Something long had erupted from the center of his crotch. It was pushing a large buldge into his uniform and twitched every now and then. "... Does it hurt?" The question caught N so off-guard that he forgot to be embarrassed for a second. "It... It does. Like... I don't know? I never felt this before. But it feels like as if a part of me is being severely put under stress." He answered in an analytical fashion until he realized that his squadmate was watching it intentively. "H-Hey! private area V!" He covered it with his hands again. The female had leaned forward whilst watching it, but then leaned back again when he hid it. 

"What... exactly does it feel like?" She wanted to know more, because this was a first for her aswell. "It's like it has a mind of it's own. I can feel it's movements, yet... I have no control over it whatsoever. Plus it wants out. Like... out of my clothes." N was strangely calm about the entire situation that was unfolding between the two at the moment. Apparently if he kept thinking about this as some kind of... studying session about his own body he could keep his cool. "... Come closer." V waved him over to her bedside and pointed to where he was supposed to stand. As he did so she wasted no time to look at it from all directions. "V? W-What are you- !ARGH!" The male exclaimed as a sudden surge of energy zapped through his electrical system. 

V had begun to poke and push it with her index finger, watching as it moved around inside. Then her right hand took a hold of the trousers' zipper and both drones locked eyes. "A-Are you really sure about this?" N asked with a stuttering voice and began to scratch the back of his head. His female equivalent only nodded slowly before she began to pull the zipper down...

Then all of a sudden there was a loud explosion outside. N turned around and ran to a window, his zipper almost half-open. "V! LOOK!" N yelled and pointed at the glass. However, the female only groaned and slowly made their way to the window. "Was that really ne-" V shut her mouth as she saw what was going on outside. The entire camp had been engulfed into chaos. Students were running everywhere, the Teacher was still reading his newspaper, and someone's head was on fire. "The Campers!" The male turned to look at V and his buldge poked her left thigh "We've got to help them!" He zipped his trousers shut again and darted out of the room, leaving V by herself. 




"WHAT THE F***!!" She screamed in rage.

 That's it. He's gonna die now. And with that thought in mind, she snatched her uniform and hat and followed her squadmate outside. Once outside however, the situation changed in an instant. N had already been attacked by a... purple disassembly drone? And was actively engaging into airborne combat using his blades. "UZI!? WHAT'S GOTTEN INTO YOU?!" N screamed as he avoided a deadly bite to his neck from her newly grown, organic tail. V knew she was supposed to help her partner, but decided to watch a little longer... Ok that's long enough.

She swapped her right hand to a machine-pistole and locked onto Uzi with the same built-in targeting software that the missile launch system uses. After that, the system automatically calculated the flight-path Uzi would have and set an idication mark to where V should aim. And so she did. After firing a single 3-round-burst from the weapon, the organic disassembly drone lost balance and crashed into the soft ground. Without skipping a beat, the normal disassembly drone swapped her pistole to a blade and dashed over to the crash-site.

Once there, she prepared for a serious fight, but found... nothing. Uzi wasn't where she'd crash-landed. Suddenly V was overwhelmed by a rear attack from Uzi, who'd hid in the tree right above her. both drones began a close quarter brawl in the snow. Uzi finally won by stabbing V with her own blades into both arms after cutting them off. "Y-You MONSTER!" V yelled and tried to free herself, but to no avail. Then the zombie-drone cut her enemies nanite-acid-stinger from her tail and prepared to deal a finishing blow. But before she could do anything, Uzi was violently thrown into the air, dropping the stinger in the process.

N stood over her with a very serious expression. He frowned slightly. "We'll talk later." The words left his mouth coldly as he spread his wings and dashed into the sky above him to assumingly finish Uzi off for good. "Wait N-" V tried to call out to him but only sighed as she realized that he was already to far away. "Could've atleast freed me..." Without thinking twice the female tore both blades from her arms and threw them to the side. She then laid back down in the cool snow and watched the surprisingly beautiful night sky above.





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