Camp 98.7 - 1

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9:00 PM
The Colony - Outside of Door One

"Alright everyone... please step onto the bus in a single line. You have already been assigned to your seats." The monotone speech of the Teacher really brought the mood of the entire class down. Some students even began to complain. "Excuse me, sir? Why have our seats already been assigned?" The Teacher didn't want to reply. Instead he just waved the question off with his hand and sighed. Although disappointed and somewhat mad at their teacher, the students stopped complaining and got onto the bus. Everyone knew that arguing with him would lead to exactly nowhere.

When the last drone boarded, the driver, seated on the roof in a plastic chair, pulled harshly at the large leash that was connected to the hood's sides. The vehicle rocked once, honked and then departed towards the destination. To everyone's surprise the outdated sentinent vehicle managed to plow through the high snow with little to no loss in traction or speed. Apparently the machine knew exactly how to distribute it's weight according to the situation it was in.

About two hours later...

The Bus arrived at Camp 98.7 and came to a stop right in it's center. The Students exited the vehicle in an order of popularity among peers. Which once again brought Uzi to the end of the line. Furious, the angsty teen stomped through the snow to join her classmates, whom had already began to chat about the location. "Hey Teach? Why're we here again in the first place?" A young male drone asked. "Uzi chose the destination. Argue with her... or something." He yawned and walked off towards one of the small wooden huts. "Don't look at me! He's just mad at your test scores!" The purple haired drown pointed at the Teacher, who was already seated with a newspaper in a chair on the poarch of the mentioned hut.

Before anyone could start complaining again, two drones landed in the snow, blowing it up into a cloud. When the snow dust slowly began to settle, a pair of neon yellow X's shined brightly through it. Panic broke out among the students and they scrambled to hide behind one another. For a moment it looked like the duo had found itself a nice dinner. However as the snow settled even more, they noticed two shiny boy scouts uniforms. V was the first one to speak up. "What? We're not here to eat you... atleast not now." She chuckled sinisterly, which earned her a serious glance from N. Her chuckle quietened down within a moment.

"... Aaaanyways! We're here to supervise you on this trip. Let's start by counting off! One, Two..." N cheerfully acted his assigned role out. He always wanted to do this, however none of the students really felt like continuing the counting, as they were to scared to do anything. The female disassembly drone sighed, rolled her eyes, swapped her right hand to a rifle and shot a random student drone. The shock was enough to encourge them to count themselves off within the fraction of a second. "I think that's everyone!" N then glared at V again. "Minus ONE..." She just rolled her eyes and sighed again.

"Ok guys, now that we're all here, let's go over there and do some fun activities!" N took the lead and began wandering off, leaving seventeen students with a murderous psychopath alone. The second the male was out of reach V spoke up. "Listen up Punks! If any of you give him a hard time for no reason whatsoever you're on my dinner's list for the evening. Capiche?!" This threat sunk deep into everyone present, even Uzi, Thad and Lizzy. "Now... Enjoy your vacation." With those words the disassembly drone turned on her heel and ran into the direction N had gone. Now being all alone the students decided to follow both disassembly drones, because there wasn't anything to do anyways. Uzi took the chance to tip-toe away from the group, but not without giving Thad a goodbye kiss on his cheek. The jock blushed and then grinned brightly as he waved her off silently.

Once everyone arrived where N and V had wandered off to, they were met with an already set up archery course. "Welcome to... Archery!" N joyfully waved the group over and began to explain how a bow works. Eventually he wanted to show off his own bow handling skills. Meanwhile V and Lizzy had sat down on a nearby bench and were exchanging a couple of words. "He's hot in that uniform." Lizzy mentioned without looking up from her phone. V glanced at her friend and leaned back. "Well... I gue-" V choked on her own words as she saw N and a random female student really close to one another. She coughed and stood up straight. "Chill dude... He's just showing her how she should stand. The stance is important for like... almost everything."

The disassembly drone breathed loudly but sat back down and crossed her arms. "Sheesh... makes it look like you're quiet jealous." The worker said as she typed a text onto her phone. "Shut. Up." V growled between clenched teeth. Who does that girl think she is?! Getting close to N like that. Only V was allowed to do that! Or so she thought. The drone couldn't believe her optical sensors as even more female students came to N to show them the right stance. This included close body contact for a propper way of explanation. "Tsk!" V couldn't bear to look anymore and faced another direction. "Girl, you're in love. But you don't have to get that jealous." This earned the worker a painful groan from the disassembly drone.

"For JCJenson's sake Lizzy! I'm not in love with that idiot. He's just..." She couldn't finish the sentence and Lizzy raised an eyebrow. Her gesture was enough to tell the female drone that her best friend had caught on. "Maybe a little..." Lizzy giggled slightly and smirked at her uneven friend. "Only a little? Gosh V, you're like... so innocent! Although you look like you've already got a couple of kilometers on you. I mean... just look at your body! All the boys in my class are practically waiting for your shirt to give way. Except Thad. He's to focused on archery." Upon hearing those words, V blushed brightly and covered her chest with her right arm. "W-What the hell Liz... AND WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT?! HOW COULD I POSSIBLY ALREADY HAVE HAD... YOU KNOW??" 

The sudden commotion got everyone's attention and N walked up to the duo. "V! Could you keep it down?! I'm trying to teach these guys archery!" He leaned in close to her. "What's gotten into you? Ever since last week you've been acting like a different drone. Don't think I haven't noticed." The male wanted an honest answer and waited for his squadmate to answer. "It's... It's complicated N. Maybe another time." She couldn't even look at him. N just shook his head slightly and straightened his posture again. He then walked back over to the students to continue teaching them about archery.

"That was your chance to tell him girl. But that train had already departed before you even knew it." The blonde haired drone kept on tapping her phone, writing text after text. Eventually it got to V and she tried to snatch it from her. "Nuh-uh missy, not my phone." The disassembly drone growled and grabbed the device with her claw hand, scratching both surfaces harshly. "Who're you typing to all the time anyways?... Who's Dell?" V quickly skimmed through the text messages and noticed something before Lizzy ripped the phone out of her hand. She then looked at V. The smug expression worried the worker drone. "You're one to talk Liz." She slowly shook her head and then looked at the sky. 

"I-It's not what you think! Really!"

"Uh-huh, and I'm robo-jesus."

12:37 AM
Lake 98.7

The group had swapped activities from archery to row-boating. Because the lake was frozen, many workers just used the wooden paddles to scrap the boat across the icy surface, which worked surprisingly well. V had gathered a small group of so called 'minions' to help her in her piracy mission. They went about and sabotaged other vessels by either kicking them over, or entering the entire boat. "Minions! Plan X!" The female captain commandeered. Two students then kicked N's boat, which backfired because of N's own weight. The worker duo lost balance and fell over, sending V towards the Ice. 

She braced for the hard impact, but it never came. Instead N had caught her before she could hurt herself. Slowly and gently, he sat her down in his own row boat. "You have to be careful V. We don't know if the Ice will hold such immense forces." It took the female a second to connect two dots and miss-understand him. "Are you telling me to loose weight?!" She growled and swapped her left hand to a claw. "N-No! Of course not! I'm just saying that you fell from an elevated position. It would've most likely broken if it were to happen to anyone. Even me!" 

V exhaled loudly and swapped back to her hand. "We'll talk later. See that cabin over there?" She pointed at the largest wooden house in the camp. "I've already claimed that hut. We're sleeping in there." V stood up and stretched. Her joints creaked lightly as the synthetic muscle fibers extended. "I'll hit the sack now. Kinda tired from all this camp thing. See you later." N's squadmate then extended her wings and flew over to the cabin. She landed gracefully and swiftly went inside, closing the door behind her. N just sighed and looked up at the night's sky. "Now I'm left here feeling stupid."

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