A Bad Ego

791 15 17

9:00 PM

The Spire

N was still seated on the car wreck and sighed loudly. It's been a while since he sat down here. The disassembly drone looked up into the sky. The neighboring planet reflected the bright sunlight like a mirror, creating a somewhat beautiful night, except that snowstorms were still furiously raging about, but the drone didn't really care. He leaned back and supported himself with both his hands. He still wore the dapper outfit he had gotten for himself... and V...

N shook his head. Why bother thinking about her? All she ever did was use him. Even their kiss was just a game to her. He lowered his head and looked straight down his upper body. The shiny buttons sparkeled bright. Suddenly a whistling noise became louder and louder. Then his proximity sensor picked something up. A large object was closing the distance between itself and him at a rapid pace. N was barely able to dodge the incoming threat as it thundered by him and crashed into a snowpile. The snow exploded with a tremendous explosion and sent dirt and burnt snow everywhere.

N was shocked, he turned on his background light aplifier and thermal imaging, but couldn't spot anything. He scanned his environment. Just as the disassembly drones gaze shifted over a hill he noticed a speck of white on top of it. It looked like something big. Then a flash errupted from the white speck and his proximity sensor picked another incoming object up. N did a cartwheel to his left and dodged behind another car wreck. The incoming projectile hit the wrecked car N was behind and tore through it without much effort at all. Luckily for N, he was able to identify the projectile that had almost struck him within a few miliseconds.

To his shock it was a 75mm armor-piercing-capped ballistic-capped high-explosive tracer round. It must've been fired from a cannon far away. N quickly locked onto the speck of white on the hill with his missile targeting system and fired a single missile at the designated coordinates. He watched the missile go further and further, eventually it actually reached its target and blew the speck of white clean up. As the smoke cloud cleared there wasn't anything out of the ordinary anymore so he calmed down. N knew that if he would've gotten hit even once, it might have been his total demise. Those projectiles were used to destroy heavy armored vehicles like tanks or infantry fighting vehicles a thousand years or so back. Back when humanity was still fighting one another.

He exhaled loudly and sat back down on the car wreck. "What the hell is going on out here?! I'm trying to sleep!" V stomped out of the spire towards N. "Look idiot, if you're upset that it was just a fake kiss to win the barely sentient toasters over, then I can't help you." She shrugged her arms at him. "I mean, did you actually think I'd kiss you because I wanted to? C'mon N, be serious now. I would never kiss you." N's female counterpart crossed her arms and tilted her head slightly. N looked at her with an irritated expression. "So you would never kiss me?" the male disassembly drone asked calmly. V replied with a head shake.  N took a step back and processed what he'd just heard from her. He then also shook his head and smiled at her.

"Then I guess I'm free to do whatever I want right? There's nothing to stop me from doing what I want anymore. J is gone, and you don't care for me. So I don't have stay here any longer right?" He also crossed his arms. V gasped. She was clearly caught off guard by this. She wanted to drive him a bit further away from her, but not this far. "W-Wait N-" She extended her arm towards him but he slapped it away. "Tonight V, I'm gonna have myself a real good time." He winked at her and expanded his wings. "N wait!" V stepped towards him and grabbed his shoulders.

The male drone wiggled out of her grip and pushed her away. "Don't stop me now, I'm gonna have such a good time. Without You." He dashed upwards into the sky and accelerated as fast as he could. The snowflakes splashed into his visor, so he had to turn on actual visor wipers for the first time. N wanted to see more of the planet and find out more about its history. Now that V had finally stepped over the line he didn't want to return anymore at all. Meanwhile V watched him disappear into the night sky. She didn't know what to do anymore and walked all over the place until an idea finally sprung to her mind. Lizzy. She always knows what to do in these situations.

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