Time flies

963 14 10

3:41 AM

V flew through of what little remained of human infrastructure. The ruins occasionally hid an unfortunate worker who was desperately trying to get to The Colony.

After their landing Khan Doorman had brought the remaining workers in the area to a safe spot. An underground research facility that's been guarded by thick steel doors for a few years now. Rumors have spread that it'd be one of the only safe places on Copper-9.

V scouted the ruins with her thermal imaging system when she noticed two heat signatures. Two drones in the middle of nowhere? This is too easy. She chuckled and dash down towards them. The worker drones had no time to respond to the imminent danger and V crashed into the ground behind them.

The male worker drone shouted something in russian and they both made a run back to the colony. V noticed this and fired a missile at one of the buildings. Rubble and debris broke off of the structure and crashed down onto the soft ground. It now blocked their direct path back to the colony.

The drones took a sharp turn down a dark alleyway and V lost track of them for a split second. But she didn't care.  Whilst maniacally laughing she dashed down the alley and quickly caught up to them. The female worker drone yelled something in russian as well. To V it looked like she was talking to a door. The disassembly drone wasn't bothered to care though as she pounced her male counterpart.

Out of his pocket he quickly drew a camera and took a picture of V. It stunned her for a second before she began munching down on him. The female worker drone began screaming and yelling.  V only took a few bites out of the russian drone because it didn't taste good to her.

"What have you done!?" The russian female drone slid to the male drones side and buried her head in his chest. V was taken aback by this. If anything the action the drone had chosen to do only enraged the maniac. She tore the female drones back open and also took a few bites out of her. Again, it didn't taste that good.

When she was finished she look down at the carnage she had unfolded upon the two unlucky workers. "Are you kidding me!?" V yelled in frustration and kicked one of the corpses. "Even a barely sentient toaster has a better chance of finding a partner than ME??" She wanted to scream loudly and tear the bodies apart but restrained herself. Instead she just drew a single letter into the snow.


V looked at the letter for a few seconds before she shook her head. "No... he forgot me. There's no way we could ever go back to those days..." She sighed sadly and spread her wings. But with the last glance at the corpses she noticed something on the ground. Before flying away V picked up a picture next to the corpse of the male drone.

It was her. She looked terrifying. A neon yellow X on her visor, large fangs, saliva dripping out of her mouth, and her long claws and nanite acid stinger were also in frame. She was disgusted by herself and dropped the picture. "It's best if N doesn't ever get to see this..." She kicked a bit of snow over it and finally departed back to the landing pod.

It was more than obvious to her that she couldn't just forget her feelings for him. In fact she felt herself aching more and more for him but restrained herself. V knew how dangerous everything could get if she told him about their past, so she kept it locked away. Far away. She also felt sorry for all the times that she'd insulted him or told him that he was terrible.

V reminded herself of those insults almost every day and every one of them made her feel horrible. But there was nothing V could do to change the situation. If she told him now that she'd actually fallen for him she would derail their entire operation. V continued thinking about the current situation when suddenly the spire appeared right in front of her.

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