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11:51 PM
The Colony - Uzi Doorman's Room

N sat silently on Uzi's bed, as the worker drone hooked him up with all types of wires. He felt lonely... and angry. It wasn't fair to have V banished from the colony for something that she hadn't done. And he had to proof V's innocence to Mr. Doorman and most of the workers around, to show that V isn't what they all thought she was. He sighed loudly and let himself drop onto Uzi's bed. Surprisingly, the mattress he'd anticipated to be as hard as he'd remembered it, was as soft as a pillow.

It felt like he'd dropped into a cloud and was now floating in space... with the scent of a meal around. The disassembly drone sat back up as quickly as it had laid down, and eventually stood up. Meanwhile, the worker drone that was sharing the room with him was completely unaware of him moving into an attack position. Silently, N stepped over various items scattered all over the floor, like her Railgun, an empty can of soda, paper notes... etc. The silence in addition to random beeping noises emitting from Uzi's computer, created a rather eerie atmosphere. Due to it being late at night, nobody was really awake besides them.

Thad had been here a few hours before, but left to sleep at his own house. They had school tomorrow... atleast Thad would be present for tomorrows classes. N slowly crouched down and extended his arms, now looming just above the worker, that had knelt underneath her desk to finish the linking process. The moment he pounced, Uzi turned around, resulting in an uncomfortable head-butt between the two, and bringing N back to his senses. "N!? W-What are you doing?!" 

Disgusted, the angsty teenager tried to push the drone almost twice her weight off of her, but failed. "S-Sorry Uzi... I uh, -well I don't really know what happened. I..." He trailed off and stood up, as he noticed that the purple haired drone was clearly uncomfortable being THIS close to him. "I must've blacked out... sorry Uzi." He rubbed the side of his arm in embarassment and turned to face away from her. "I-It's... It's alright N." She muttered something in addition to what she'd said under her breath, making sure it wasn't coherent enough for N to understand.

"Did you say something?" The now docile disassembly drone turned on his heel to face her again, watching her every move. From his view, he tracked her attentively, his system telling him which weapon would be suited best for a professional clean-up. Not wanting to kill one of his best friends, the disassembly drone violently shook his head and tore a cable out of one of his ports. In an instant, Uzi's computer began beeping, a big error message displayed on the screen. And then N felt like he fell into a void, the endless beeping becoming louder and louder. He'd now lost all control of himself. To him, the beeping reminded him of something that happened in the past... something... horrifying.

A message appeared on his visor, clear for Uzi to read. "Error... critical system malfunction." Just as she'd finished reading, a razor sharp claw tore a cut into her favourite hoodie. If the worker would've stood just a mere milimeter closer to the disassembly drone, she would've met her demise right here and there. Obviously caught completely off-guad by this, Uzi stumbled backwards and fell down. N slowly lifted his leg forward, and unsually for him he slowly stomped towards her, his visor pitch black, blending into the surrounding darkness, since Uzi had turned off every light source, except the monitors to her computer.

The loud metallic footsteps drove fear into the smaller worker drone, and suddenly her life started flashing before her eyes. The processor inside of her had realized that this might be the last time she'd be able to see her own memories. Most of them were recent ones made with Thad, his friends and V and N... A tear rolled down her cheek and she weakly extended her arms as images were flashing into her vision. Then out of the dark appeared two tiny hollow red eyes, staring into her soul, followed by a grotesque grin, far wider than what she thought could ever be possible for drones.

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