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10:31 PM
Copper 9 - Orbit

"Prepare for impact with surface..." H muttered to the two females quietly seated to his sides as he navigated the Landing Pod carefully through the blizzard clouds of the ice-planet. They'd departed about an hour ago, and were almost at their designated coordinates. The groups task was to reprogram V (and possibly N if the chance ever arose) to get them to continue their work for the company. "We're here, brace yourselves." Gently the male pulled on the thrust vector lever to control their landing. At the same time he pushed a button that allowed the claw-like landing gear of the pod to eject. 

The pod landed surprisingly softly in the snowy ground and stabilized itself, even automatically deploying a ladder after touchdown. The door slid open and they disembarked their safely landed pod. J scanned the area and spotted the Spire about two blocks away from their position. "Alright guys, V and syner- I mean N, should be over there." she pointed towards the corpse tower. Tessa, not speaking up for herself only nodded in agreement and gestured H to follow as they began their journey.

10:35 PM
The Spire

N and V had made their way back to the spire and into the landing pod. Almost in an instant once inside, N collapsed against a wall, breathing heavily. His own anger was devouring him from inside out. The male disassembly drone clutched his hands in agony and closed his eyes. He wanted to scream, wanted to tear something apart, wanted to inflict... pain. "N! Are you alright?!" V grabbed his left arm and supported the drone over to a seat, where she gently put him down. "They hurt you V.  I SIMPLY CAN'T- ARGH! " He'd wanted to storm right out the way they came and give those buckets of scrap a piece of his mind, but was pushed back down into the seat by V.

"Calm down! I simply didn't look out! It's... well it's their fault, but... but they had a good reason to! ... They all think I killed their children-" She was rudely interrupted by N, who was loosing the grip on his sanity further and further. The male began pacing around the room now, completely ignoring V's attempt of putting him back into the chair. "BUT YOU DIDN'T! IT WAS UZI!" N had grabbed the female by her shoulders and gently shook her. He knew very well that V did not like this at all. And how right he was.

V pushed him away and crossed her arms. "N. Calm down. I don't really know what H did to you, but it's clearly messing with your system. You need to get a check up. I'll accompany you." Those words only angered him further. "What? ... WHAT?! ME?! A... CHECK UP?! WHAT ARE YOU-" Before he could even finish his tantrum his head was violently sliced right off his shoulders and the rest of his body fell to the ground with a loud metallic bang. "... Why did you have to make me do this..." She sighed with a sad tone in her voice and picked the lifeless corpse up. Although his regenerative system was still damaged, it could handle this process, but at a slower pace.

The female hit a button next to the doors and they slid open. Once outside, she was met by three figures, all three of them very familiar to her. "J? Tessa? ... H!? W-What? How?" N's body fell into the soft snow and J began to smirk. "Hey V. I see that you may have had enough of synergistic liability and finally killed him." Her former squadleader raised her digital eyebrows and the smirk widened. "No I-" V was interrupted by J. "Or let me guess, moron bot hit on you and you were so disgusted by it that you had to give him what he rightfully deserved. Right?" 

V was becoming seriously annoyed at this point and frowned. How dare J speak badly of N? She didn't even know how much he meant to her. "Watch it, pigtails." J was taken aback by this. V had never dared to speak up to her before. "What did you just say to me, you defective psychopath?" It looked like the situation was about to escalate into a fierce duel between the two female drones, when suddenly N stood up from the snow. The second he laid his eyes onto H, he straightened his body and saluted the commander drone. "Commander! My duty is not yet fulfilled! Please, let me fulfill it!"

H, completely caught off guard by this, only stared at him with a bewildered expression. And so did Tessa. She slowly turned to look at H and tilted her head slighty, signalling him that he may have messed up, and was supposed to fix his mistakes immediately. The commander understood instantly and stumbled over to N, who was about to pounce onto V again. Once there, the cable that had initially infected N with the code, slithered up from underneath H's sleeve again and connected to N's neuro-port.

Another code was uploaded, but an error occured, causing a short circuit, which would've been fatal to humans, to hit H and sending him flying. The commander hit the ground hard, and the cable was fried. J glanced over to him, then back at V. "... What yourself missy." She squinted her eyes at V, and then dashed over to H, to see if he was alright. "H? Are you ok?" Then something happened that befuddled everyone present. J knelt down in the snow next to H, who was now coughing his sythetic lungs out.

"I'm alright..." the male muttered and gave her a weak thumbs up, before resting his head in the cool snow again. "Don't scare me like that..." J gently wrapped her arms around H and cuddled him against her. "What the hell is happening?" V stared in both awe and confusion at the scene that was unfolding right next to her, and so was N. Apparently the shock had brought him out of his anger trance and somewhat back to his normal self. Weird, V thought to herself. Then a sudden crunch behind them startled the recovered drone.

N spun around and fired a missile directly at what had made the sound, sending metallic shrapnell and robotic parts all over the place, even leaving a black crater behind. Although somewhat calm, he was breathingly loudly and stared at what he'd just blown up... Nothing. V stared in shock and then turned to face her squadmate. "We need to get you checked up right this instant. C'mon, off to the Colony we go." 

Tessa stood by as both drones quietly moved right past her. Her head tracked their every movement, even turning to a degree that should not be possible for humans. Or so V thought. Whatever... that's not important right now. She needed to get N to Uzi right this instant. As the duo moved through yet another blizzard, they couldn't help but muster each other's uniforms and overall bodyshapes for the first time. N, although still channeled with rage,  glanced every now and then at V's chest area, try to see if it bounced in the heavy terrain they were traversing.

V also couldn't contain her own eye sight. She caught herself glancing over at N, who still wore his boy scouts uniform. It did suit him well, and she wished he'd wear it more often. But considering the circumstances they were in, it probably be best if they returned to their usual clothing as soon as possible. And as soon as they thought they'd departed on foot, they had arrived outside of door one. V knocked twice, waiting for someone from inside to reply.

"Yeah?" A male voice asked from inside. "It's the friendly dark angels. We need a check up... Please?" V masterfully rose the pitch of her voice during the last word, making it sound like they were in a real sticky situation. Although reluctant at first, the door eventually opened and they were met by Khan Doorman. The female glanced at him quickly and muttered a weak thanks, before she tried to pass by him. However, Khan stepped right into her path. "I'm... sorry to tell you this, but... the workers don't want to see you around here anymore. There's nothing I can do about it." 

Even though Khan and V didn't have the best relationship, he sounded truely disappointed in himself. V only stared at him in disbelief, but understood quickly. "It's ok... N! It's ok." She had noticed that N began to shake slightly, even balling his fists in anger. Why did the workers treat especially her in such an unfair fashion?! WHY?! But... V said it'd be alright... so it had to be.

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