At the last moment

772 16 15

Somewhere inside the abandoned city

V and Lizzy were dashing from street to street, trying to find N. Eventually they even started calling out to him. "N!? N! Where are you?!" V had spread her wings and dashed into the sky, shouting her workmates name at the top of her voicebox's capabilites. The disassembly drone scanned the environment for any signs of him. Finally she clutched her hand tightly. "Where are you?!" She called out for him once more, only for the howling and freezing wind to reply. After waiting for a few more seconds she glid back down to the ground and retracted her long wings. 

"Any signs of him?" Lizzy asked curiously. Her friend only shook her head. "C'mon then! We have to find him!" Lizzy pointed down another street and ran ahead. V watched her for a few seconds and sighed. She wasn't really sure if they'd ever find a trace of him. After the incident at the restaurant and in the building he just... vanished. She hasn't seen him since. 

"Hey V! What are you waiting for?!" The worker drone that had accompanied her called out from afar. There was a short delay before the disassembly drone answered. "On my way!" Finally Lizzy and V were scanning the surroundings together again, making slow but sure progress. After what seemed like an eternity they found traces in the snow that had almost been covered up again. "Lets follow them! Quickly!" 

11:20 PM
Approximately in the city's center

"You see N, after you join our team, you'll feel full of life again. You won't have to remember those hurtful memories your teammate has pressed onto you ever again." H said as the two male drones slowly made their way through the thick snow layers. "Speaking of joining, we're here. Let me show you." The officer drone pressed a button on his left arm and an enormous steel wall in front of the duo began to move out of the way. After it had cleared the path N's superior walzed through the opening.

However, although N has been corrupted with the E.T. code, he still questioned this whole joining and abandoning his other team thing. "Uh Sir, permission to speak?" N asked sheepishly. The officer drone in front of him had stopped walking and just stood there, his back turned towards N. "Granted." was the only word that left H's robotic lips. The disassembly drone inhaled deeply. "Sir, Why do I have to leave V... I know you told me but still I don't quiet get it..."

H sighed and faced N. "She won't ever join this team N. Plus... This is something you have to promise me not to tell anyone else... You promise?" H watched N's gesture closely. However the disassembly drone nodded almost instantly after the question. "Ok then... You see N, V is capable of taking our whole team out by herself. That's why we have to destroy her as soon as possible, and you'll be taking the lead. Got it?" 

Both male drones stared at one another and N gulped. He didn't want to destroy her. After all, she's been with him for the past 18 years. "But-" N was quickly cut off by his superior. "Are you REFUSING a DIRECT ORDER soldier?!" The sudden mood change caught N off-guard and he gasped. "No Sir! But please-" N wanted to argue with H. Although V had hurt his feelings numerous times in the past, something inside of his system told him not to follow this specific order. "NO ARGUING! DESTROY HER! THAT IS AN ORDER!" 

H got really close to N and grabbed him by the neck. "You'll do it because she still trusts you. Betray her and help the company out. You'll even be rewarded for your actions." Before N could answer someone yelled from afar. "Let him go!" It was V. She was exhausted and breathed quickly in the freezing air but stood her ground firmly. N and H both stared at her. "I said let him GO!" The female pointed at the male duo and began stepping closer. Meanwhile Lizzy had taken cover behind a car wreckage, watching the whole thing. 

"Disassemble this corrupt drone, soldier!" H ordered, dropping N to the ground. However when he looked into N's eyes a chill ran down his metallic spine. "H-How are your eyes yellow?! They should be red! RED!" The officer drone yelled in frustration and turned to run, however V was quicker and pounced onto him. This was the first time H would come face to face with almost certain death. V's face was distorted. A large gortesque grin covered her face and the neon yellow X burned into his eyes.

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