Bonding Activities

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3:00 PM

"Ok so what I thought we could do, to improve our relationship with one another, would be to appreciate another more. You're sometimes being... kind of mean to me and I'd appreciate it, if we could limit these negative remarks." N said, waiting for a reaction from V and J.

J shook her head. "That is idiotic. If you do a bad job, you deserve it."  V nodded in agreement and crossed her arms. "W-Well... how about we train together then?" He asked, tipping his index fingers against each other.

J opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but decided not to. "Fine by me. Just don't get in my way." V replied, leaning against a wall. N's eyes lit up and he gave V a thumbs up. She rolled her eyes.

"What I also thought we could do, was to talk to another more often when we meet each other in the hotspot or the hallways. You know, act like friends."

"N, I don't know how often you want to hear this from me, but I don't want to be your friend." J said. "This is stupid. I'm leaving." She added, scoffed and left N and V alone. There was a short silence before N turned to face V, or rather, where she was. V had also left without him noticing. "Oh. Well I guess you also don't want to be friends..." He sighed loudly and went to the hotspot to talk to H.

N arrived at the hotspot within a minute and spotted H. He was talking to J. Just as they were having a conversation where J actually laughed, N butted in. "Hey guys! H, I need to talk to you."

H nodded and left with N. J glared at N was they left.
"You know... I thought that maybe since V and me are in a squad now, she'd warm up to me. But instead I believe it just got worse. She always ignores me and only says a few things to me... BUT she agreed to train with me." N rambled his thoughts at H whilst they were walking along the quarter corridors. H nodded and stopped N.

"Maybe... she just doesn't see you as a potential love interest N. This could be really painful for you but ultimately there is nothing you can do. And if it does turn out that way it'll be best for you to just agree to how it is and stop bothering her." H eyed N's reaction. A tear formed near his visor.

"Hey- Hey buddy." H stuttered, not wanting to see his friend cry. "I-I'm only saying this now because I don't want you to hurt yourself when she rejects you." He put his hand on N's shoulder. A slim smile crept on N's face. "Thanks for being here for me H. I really appreciate it."

H returned the smile and nodded. "C'mon, let's do something to get rid of this horrible mood you're in." H patted him on the back as they made their way to the training facility. Unbeknownst to them however, they had held their little conversation right outside of V's quarters. She had heard everything.

"I'm loosing him..." she sighed whilst laying in bed. V turned to face the wall right next to her and traced the shape of a heart with her index on it. She sighed and closed her eyes. A tear dropped onto the sheets.

"No."V stood up. "I can't loose him." She said sternly to herself. She opened the door to her quarters and followed them to the training area.

As V arrived, N was inside the weapon testing chamber, which had glass walls so other drones could watch them. He had already begun to train and tried his best to defeat the waves of oncoming mindless drones. She watched him for a while before noticing H, who suddenly stood next to her.

"He's not improving well." He said, pointing to N briefly. V crossed her arms. "I can see that." They both watched in silence until N was finished with training., which ended because a drone got a hit on him, rendering the training as a failure.

As he left the chamber, his mood was lifted in an instant. "V!?" He yelled in excitement, rushing towards her. "What are you doing here?" He asked as he stopped right in front of her.

"She watched you train." H said, earning a glare from V. "Well y-yes I did. B-Because I want to train aswell. BUT before I do that, I noticed that you clearly have never shot a goddamn guided missile before!" She lectured him.

"W-Well there wasn't really a reason to." N answered sheepishly. "Come, I'll show you how to do it." V marched past him and entered the chamber. N looked at his friend, who just nodded and gestured to the entrance.

"Ok, so first, select your missile system." V waited for him to do what she told him to do. "Then, aim at the drone all the way over there, you'll see the system locking onto it soon." Just as V said that N got a lock on the drone.

"Oh oh! I got it!" He replied excitedly. "Ok, now you just have to fire it" She added, watching him. Suddenly N felt her eyes burning into his side and he became nervous. Images of V quickly clouded his vision and he accidentally fired the missile, or so he thought.

Instead of shooting a missile, he shot hearts out of his arm cannon. V blushed and had to turn away from him. "AH!" N quickly hid the launcher behind his back. "D-Don't read into this! I'm not in the right mindset at the moment!" He was fearing that V would yell at him. Instead he was caught off-guard as she giggled. "It's ok N, just try it again."

He nervously nodded and focused on trying again. This time, he fired a missile which obliterated the test drone, splattering the area with oil.

"Good job N!" She hugged him. V didn't seem bothered until she realized what she was actually doing. She quickly let go of him and coughed. "You did well... NOW! Do the training again. I'll watch you." She left him alone and started the training, setting the difficulty on hard.

This time N fared better for himself but still wasn't capable of finishing the training, as a drone had struck him again. V sighed heavily but nodded. When N joined her she put her hands by her hips. "Well you're slowly learning. Which is good. But you still have to learn a lot more before you are an actual combat drone."  With those words she left N and H alone in the training facility and returned to her quarters.

N looked at H, who was also already on his way to leave. He turned his head towards N and winked with one eye. "Eyes on the prize." He simply said and also left. N stood there for a second, thinking about everything that just happened. "I have to talk to her."

N quickly made his way to the quarters and knocked at V's door. "I know it's you N. What do you want?" She asked. "I want to talk to you V!" N yelled at the door, making sure that she understood him clearly.
There was a short silence before V opened the door and let him inside.

N looked around. This was the first time that he was allowed to be inside of her room. V wasn't a decorative type and only had the bare necessities you'd need to live comfortably in a room, like a desk, a bed, a wardrobe, two chairs, and a small carpet in  front of her bed. The walls also were the same color as the corridor outside, since she wasn't bothered to change it.

"What did you want to talk about N?" She closed the door behind her and stepped closer towards him.
"W-Well... uh V! I wanted to ask if you would train me more often within the next few weeks. It was actually really good and effective." N explained whilst rubbing the back of his neck.

V looked at him for a second. "Sure. I don't have anything better to do anyways." She replied. "Was there anything else?" V looked N directly into the eyes. "Uh... no not really." He answered, becoming kind of uneasy with V staring at him.

"Well. Then get out." She pointed to the door. "Yeah sure, no problem." N winked at her. He earned a hefty punch to the side as he walked past her. "Don't wink at me N." She said, readying her fist for another punch. N dodge the punch and quickly left V's room.

Outside he jumped twice up and down in excitement. "V wants to practice with me." He said to himself as he returned to his own quarters, not really being in the mood to do anything other but to fantasize about his idol.

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