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V gathered all her courage and took the first step towards the pitch black interior of the colony. Eventually, her steps began echoing along the hall as she took step after step on the metallic surface. Then the light, or rather what was left of it, started to fade the further she went it, so V had to activate her NVD to amplify what little light remained. Instantly her vision turned green and she looked around. Enormous scratchmarks lined the hallway, becoming sprase the further she went.

Apparently most of the fighting took place here, where drone bodies laid scattered around. The smell of the clear hydraulic oil from the doors mixed with worker drone oil wore an aweful stench. It got so extreme, that she had to temporarily disable her olfaction sensors to be able to continue. In the distance she could hear a scream every now and then, but other than those it was completely silent.

The humming from the machinery inside the colony's walls must've died when N cut the power. It created an ambience that the disassembly drone didn't like at all. It actually felt like she'd just entered a-whole-nother planet, void of any life-source. Finally the point was reached where she had to switch to TVD to spot N, if he even decided to show up. Then in the distance she could hear something. 

A form of laughter, mixed with a sudden high-pitch scream, that was immediately cut off with a screeching metallic sound. V gathered what little courage she had left and darted to the position. The laughter got louder and the second V rounded a corner a very bright figure appeared on her HUD, mixed with something on the ground that was rapidly loosing temperature. 

"N? Is that you?!" She called out to the drone that stood in the hallway, still laughing in a fashion, that did not seem to come from joy. Then the laughter stopped at once, and the drone did not reply. Instead it just stood there, back turned to V. "N I know it's you! I've got 6th generation thermal imagery. I can see you as clear as daylight." She crossed her arms, seeing that N hadn't mutated into some form of disgusting creature yet. It reassured her that she'd easily be able to beat him.

"IS tHAt sO? aM I rEAllY wHo yoU thInK i aM? I mean... are you really sure, that it's really me? Your best friend? N?" The distortment in his voice faded the longer he talked, and the demonic subtone also faded. The N turned around, his face was normal, calm... happy even. "V? What are you doing here? And why... is everything dark?" The puzzled look on N's face convinced V. This was N. The goofy pushover she knew and... well uhm, -loved. "Don't worry about that right now N, lets go back to the spire and calm down... ok?" 

N nodded in agreement and walked up to V. The drone duo then proceeded to make their way out of the colony. "So... V? Do you mind explaining what happened here? All I remember is that I blacked out, and then woke back up in this darkness..." V sighed and took a deep breath. "It's... complicated I guess... apparently you were infected with a damaged code and-" The female was cut off by a loud metallic crunching noise. At first, her system did not realize that something happened. Then when she looked to her right at N, her circulation pump momentarely stopped.

N, or rather, what's been controlling N, had just taken a large bite into V's right side, tearing synthetic fiber and armor plating right out of her hull. "N?! W-WHAT ARE YOU DOIN- AAH!" She screamed in pain as the monster took another bite, this time clearing a way to her recovery system. "FU-STOOP!" She pushed the male away and kicked right into his Visor, sending him spiraling down the hallway. Oil was flowing out of her side, but luckily to her, the recovery system was quick to act, repairing the damaged parts in an instant.

N, still discombombulated, lied upside down in the middle of the corridor, trying to regain his sense after just having the literal daylights kicked out of him. When his senses came back, he was met by a charging V who wasted no time kicking him down the hallway, again. This time however, the monster was prepared and dug his claw-hand into the floor, securing a safe landing. Upon seeing this, V knew that she had to get out of here, and so she did. Without exchanging anymore words or interactions with N, she darted down a hallway to her left, running back to the entrance of the colony. The monster, furious that it's meal had begun to escape, shrieked and followed in hot pursuit.

The long corridors made of steel began to seem endless, and slowly but surely V thought that she might've gone right into a trap set by whatever was chasing her. The loud panting and metallic banging became louder and louder. Thinking back to it now, V suddenly realized how sentimental she'd gotten over this short amount of time. It was... worrying. She was not designed to be a moral support drone, but rather a disassembly drone. Not only that, but N behind her, had gone on a crusade inside the colony, killing anything and everything that crossed his path... it felt like their roles had been reversed.

Then finally, through the thermal imaging she spotted a dark spot in the distance, indicating low temperature. That probably signalled the exit... right? And how right she was, effortlessly, the female dashed out into the snow, spread her wings and disappeared into the sky. Meanwhile, N below her had stopped outside of the colony, staring directly at Tessa, J and H. The commanding drone, startled by the sudden appearance of N, began to call in a support weapon from the JCJenson Mothership. "Headquarters! This is H! We've got a code 432! Requesting Object 292!" 

"Roger that commander, Object 292 is on it's way."

Tessa glanced at H before sighing in disappointment. "You know... callin' in a support weapon won't really help us here..." J frowned upon hearing this. The drone's eyes darted from left to right, whilst she was arguing with her inner self. On one side, she loved H and wanted to support him... On the other, she was a suck-up for JCJenson, not wanting to get on their bad side. Ultimately, she didn't say anything and just kept quiet.

Then, their adversary, N, readied himself to pounce onto one of them, lowering his body posture into a prone position. Just as it looked like a battle would ensue, a thundering from above caught everyone's attention. Then, an explosion occured next to them, sending everyone to the ground and throwing snow all over the place. H was the first back on his feet and darted over to inspect whatever had landed in their vicinity. Then after a few moments a low whistling began, slowly gaining in pitch and finally whirring loud enough so that J and N had to reduce the sensitivity of their accoustic sensors.

N turned on his thermal imaging system and looked for the source of the noise. Then, through the snow that was still setteling, he saw a large machine with an extremly big barrel attached to it. The disassembly drone's circulation pump sped up as he calculated what it could be... and then the entirety of the contraption was unveiled.

There in the snow, right in front of him on a steel plateform, stood a tank, it's gas turbine engine whirring loudly in the cold night, barrel not yet pointed at him. Without waiting for anyone to act, N fired a missile at the vehicle. However due to the extreme short range, the warhead was not able to prime itself in time. The missile deformed extremely and fell to the ground as it hit the hard, cold steel armor of the turret.

And then the tank began to make it's own move. It reversed out of the small crater left  in the snow, steered heavily to its right and then came to a stop. The barrel adjusted slightly and N was now staring down 152mms of armageddon. Even the entity that possessed N knew, that this was the end of the line, and gave control back to the body's original owner. Eventually the male disassembly drone came back to his senses and hastily took a step back, as he stared down the enormous 152mm bore of the tank's main armament.

V had been watching the entire time from above, questioning this drastic measure to call in an entire tank, only for a disassembly drone. It didn't really seem plausible to her, but then again H had been infected with this particular code for far longer than any of them, so he must know best.

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