A Rude Interruption

783 12 17

The Colony - Prom Hall

N and V finally parted from their prolonged kiss and looked at each other. N could see her eyes sparkling with joy and a wide smile crept onto his face. The disassembly drone hugged his contemporary and held her close. She nuzzled against his chest and exhaled deeply. Finally a spark of light lit up their dark lives. The crowd whom watched the scene unfold erupted once again in applause and cheering. N and V considered it strange that the drones they were sent to destroy were suddenly cheering for them, so they made an effort the leave the stage quickly and disappear into said crowd. Just as V tried to get down Lizzy stepped in front of her. "Hey wait a second V, how about you express how grateful you are? The stage is still yours." She pointed over to the microphone.

V sighed and followed her friends advice. She tapped the microphone lightly and leaned forward. As V began her speech N noticed that Lizzy backed away from them and glanced over into the crowd every now and then. He followed her glances and his eyes landed on a purple haired drone with a red visor. She watched V intentively. He looked over to Lizzy and noticed that the worker had become nervous and tip toed around on the spot. Then as the purple haired drone advanced towards the stage lizzy yelled something at V. "Actually, you're like way hotter than Doll, so- run idiot!" Lizzy waved her hand in a manner to symbolize moving away from the spot.

Then out of nowhere three long steel poles impaled V dead center through both of her arms and her abdomen, pinning her in place. N froze in fear. V yelped and looked around, trying to spot the source of the attack. Suddenly a voice rang through her head. "Hello V." The worker drone raised her hand and blurred V's vision. She then got a flashback of the time she executed the two russian drones in the alleyway, one of which took a picture of her. The flashback ended as abruptly as it started and V realized that the worker in front of her was the daughter of the two defenseless drones she murdered. "Anyways, you get it." Doll added. For the first time in what seemed like forever V actually felt regretful of her actions, thinking that it could've been her and N who could've suffered that same fate if it wasn't for certain... circumstances.

She snapped out of her sentimental mode, tore her left arm free from the pole and swapped to a small caliber rifle. She began firing at the advancing threat but it had little to no effect. The bullets were bouncing right off of an invisible force field around her. The worker swiped her arm downwards and summond a knife out of nowhere. She flung it at V. The sharp steel sliced right through her shoulder joint, ripping her entire right arm off in the process. V cried out in pain again. Finally N got out of his frozen state and the entire situation came crumbeling down upon him at once. The only thing that mattered to him right now was to protect his not-yet-proclaimed girlfriend.He ran towards the front of the stage and jumped down, coming to a stop right between V and Doll. In the meantime the worker had begun to transform a ceiling fan to a makeshift blade-wheel thing and then force-threw it at N. He proceeded to do a flawless backflip and kicked it off of its path.

A knife was hurled right towards Doll's visor, which she only dodged because she saw it coming. Uzi and also Thad had joined the battle and stood next to N. The fight had now drastically turned against Doll's favour and she frowned. "Would you two really side with the murder drones? I'm not the only one who lost family to them." Those words caused N and V's eyes to hollow and quickly glance over to Uzi and Thad. "Bite me! Whoever started this clearly wants us to fight. I'm not dealing with anything well... But I'm done dealing with everything alone." She glanced over to N and gave him a weak smile. The disassembly drone returned the smile. "Besides, N-and-M's and crazy claws over here are actually pretty chill." Thad added and crossed his arms. "Crazy claws?" V asked with an angered undertone and frowned. "Zi told me your nickname, don't know your real name yet." Thad shrugged at the pinned disassembly drone. V shifted her gaze at Uzi who chuckled nervously and turned back around to face the actual danger. "Anyways, we move forward together, or not at all." Uzi stated, firmly clenching her fist.

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