Object 292

630 12 28

Before we being, a short A.N. : 

I apologize for not uploading from some time now. I had to do some extensive research about the vehicle depicted in the chapter below. It's a Tank built in 1990-1991 in the Soviet Union (Russia) armed with a massive 152mm main gun. Basically capable of annhiliting anything any military in the world can field right now with 1 shot.

The Project was abandoned due to a lack of funding and the
Collapse of the Soviet Union 
on the 25th December 1991





An explosion went off right next to them. Suddenly a loud metallic bang followed by screeching caught everyone off guard. Then the entire machine steered heavily to the right and came to an abrupt stop, causing all inhabitants to fall out of their designated seats. The metallic behemoth had come to a griding halt on the snowy asphalt, it's headlights now illuminating a high-rise building that they've narrowly avoided by stopping in time. Then another explosion, this time a direct hit. The ear-piercing ringing temporarely disabled everyone's auditory sensors, causing the two drones to put their hands over the areas where a human's ears would've been.

"What the HELL was THAT?!" N exclaimed, hastily getting up from underneath the enormous 152mm main gun breech and climbed back into his seat, trying to look through the gunners sight. "S-Sounded like an ATGM of the 5th generation to me... I don't know how we're still alive..." H muttered as he rubbed his head, slowly wiggling back into the seat across the gun-breech from N's point of view. Then finally, N had the chance to peer through the sight and began rotating the turret an exact 180° to the rear, now facing down the long street.

"Oi! We're not tryin' to start a war 'ere aye?" Tessa spoke up from behind them. She had taken the position of the driver because N and H were both to short to reach the peddals. "They've taken V! I- I can't- " 

"Keep it together soldier! This is not the time to loose it!" 

The disassembly drone blinked twice, then retracted from the sight and looked over the massive steel construction next to him directly at H. Just as he nodded a loud bang interrupted their short moment and almost molten steel shrapnell peppered their bodies, mainly H's because he'd been on the side of the turret where the next ATGM had struck. Some of the glowing yellow pieces of steel tumbled right into the slits under the turret floor, severing a hydraulic traverse line and igniting the now leaking hydraulic oil.

The temperature slowly began to rise and toxic gasses filed the interior. Tessa decided that this was the right time to abandon vehicle. "Everyone Out! We're on fire!" She shouted before scrambling out of the rather small hatch right above her helmet. H coughed heavily as he agreed with what his superior had just said. "Y-Yeah N! *cough* ABANDON TANK!" H also opened the hatch above his head and climbed outside into the freezing wind. N however would not let this last shot in the weapon's breech be in vain. And Luck played in his favour. The laser rangefinder wasn't damaged and there was just enough electricity to meassure the range and aim the gun at a tiny speck of light in the distance.

What he didn't know, was if the gun had APFSDS or HE-FS loaded, so he just pushed the fire button. The breech recoiled with a tremendous force, causing the entire tank to rock heavily. N watched through the periscope as the shell sailed off into the distance, it's tracer still glowing brightly. Then as it arrived at it's target it exploded, covering the entire area with snow. And now N had to get out aswell. It's a miracle the ammunition hasn't begun to cook-off during his heroic act inside the tank, but he could tell it was about to.

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