Our Break-Up Story

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The Colony - Restaurant Sector - One Week before the camping trip to Camp 98.7

V and N had just arrived. The restaurant was filled to the brim with worker drones and both of them wore more casual clothes. N had taken the same suit he'd used for the prom night but V wore something entirely different. The pink turtleneck sweater she wore complimented her upper body well. Fitting to her sweater she'd also put on a skirt with a fitting square pattern in a smiliar pink tone. It looked like they went on a date. 

"Remind me why we're here again... and dressed this way." V sighed and let her gaze wander across the room behind N. "We needed a place where we could discuss the plan for the trip to camp 98.7 with Uzi and Thad. Plus I've never been here before and I thought you cou-" Before he could finish what was on his mind she had cut him off by raising her right hand. "And we couldn't have done that at the spire?" The female drilled deeply into his arguements, trying to find flaws.

"... yeah." N sheepishly replied and let his head hang. He just couldn't lie to V so he tried to avoid the subject entirely. If she were to find out this whole thing was Thad's idea to get him and her closer together, both males would end up a head shorter. N's female counterpart squinted her eyes and stared at him for a few seconds before changing subject. "And why do I have to wear... this?" She pinched the pink cloth and pulled it away from her. "W-Well you do look cute in it-" He slapped a hand over his mouth, yet it was to late. He'd already said what was on his mind the entire time.

N stared at V. He was waiting for her to leap over the table and dismember him right then and there. Yet she didn't. V sat there quietly and a bright blush blinked up on her visor. "T-This is!" She exclaimed and put her hands onto her visor. This made N's heart skip a beat. He sighed and relaxed. "A-Anyway!" She coughed and looked away from him. "Weren't Uzi and Thad supposed to show up like ten minutes ago?" Her eyes darted from one corner of the room to the next. 

"Thad just texted me. He said they won't be joining us tonight. Apparently they got caught up with homework." Truth be told, N was actually reading what Thad had just texted him. So in theory he wasn't lying to her. V sighed. "Great. This was a huge waste of my time. Goodbye N." V grabbed the small purse to her left and stood up. "W-Wait V! W-Why don't we..." Subconciously N had grabbed her hand. Multiple drone's had turned their way to watch the scene unfold. 

The female disassembly drone stared at his hand, but didn't pull away. "-talk this out over- uh, ... d-dinner?" He nervously chuckled and looked into her eyes. Most of the dining room had gone completely silent. Not only had the workers suddenly noticed two disassembly drones amongst them, but also that there seemdd to be some kind of trouble concering their 'relationship'. V sighed again and pinched her visor. "You know N... If I wouldn't be in a good mood because you actually got the extermination team off our backs I would've said no. But considering that you can be useful and not a complete and utter loser all the time I think I can grant you this wish."

She sat back down and put her purse next to her. N sighed in relief and watched as one after the other worker focused back on their own activities. "So... you wanna keep holding hands now aswell or what? People might get the wrong idea N." V said cautiously and wiggled her hand a little, which was still captured by N's own. He shrieked and janked his entire arm away at full force. V tried her best to hide a slim giggle, but failed.

N continued to nervously watch the female in front of him from time to time. Then a waiter finally arrived. "May I take your order?" He'd pulled out an old fashioned clipboard and a pencil with an actual lead tip. "U-Uh! Yeah! I'll have the uh.. the- 14! And for-" Someone across from him coughed loudly. "I'm sorry. We'll both have the 14 as a starter and then for a main dish I think a single 39 would be fitting. As a desert we'd both like the 4 please." V gently spoke to the waiter as she flipped through the menu. N didn't know what she'd ordered but was happy non the less.

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