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N was walking along the long and tidy hallways of the manor he worked at. His job was to simply do basic chores and butler duties, nothing more. The long red carpets made it easy for him to walk, since he didn't slip around as much and could walk way faster.

He turned a corner quickly and bumped into someone. They both fell and he had dropped the tablet with wine glasses he held. Luckily none of them broke as they hit the soft carpet. "Ouch! Are you ok?" He asked as he leaned forward to start picking up the glasses. "I-I'm fine" the female drone stuttered in reply.

N smiled at her and she smiled back, they both picked up the fine drinking utensils until only one remained. They reached for it at the same time. As their hands got into close proximity of one another, a spark flashed between them.

In that moment N felt her. He felt the drone who had just bumped into him. He blushed and so did she. "U-Uhm my name's N, nice to meet you." He said sheepishly and began rubbing the back of his head.

The female drone nodded and answered. "I... I'm V."
Their eyes met and he felt a connection to her. It felt as if N had found a missing piece of him and if they belonged to one another.

1:37 PM

N jolted up from his dream. Her face still lingered in his mind and he instinctively looked over to V. N snuck up to her and looked at her from the same angle that he had looked at the drone from his dream. "You don't have glasses..." N whispered to himself.

The male drone sighed and stepped away from her. It would be best not to wake her up. He needed to get rid of these thoughts and focus on being productive. He opened the doors of the landing pod, curious as to what was going on outside. At first N couldn't even describe what he saw. The snow reflected the light of the sun and shined as bright as the sky. Snowflakes were slowly drifting down to the ground.

It was beautiful. Oh how dearly he wished to be immune to sunlight and be outside right now. He ached to go but knew he couldn't, so he just watched the beautiful weather from inside the pod. Then he noticed two figures outside. His vision was partly blinded by the bright sunlight so he turned thermal imaging on.

Immediately everything turned into a grey-scale color. The hotter the temperature of  and object, the brighter of a grey-tone it had. He saw the two figures clearly now. It were two worker drones. One wearing a sort of old human winter hat and the other a beanie. They scavenged the corpses for material.

N saw his opportunity and wanted to dash out. He turned the thermal imaging off and looked for shadow. To his far left stood a high-rise building with plenty of shadow for him. The drone gathered all his courage and switched to disassembly mode. He darted out from the shadows and the sunlight immediately began its wear on his structure.

N quickly made it over to the shadow the building had cast, but the workers had spotted him. They didn't know he couldn't last in the sun and thought he was trying to be stealthy. Both of them began running. Being a hunter through instinct N dashed from shadow to shadow, trailing the two drones.

He followed them quietly for a while and finally they reached a camp. Curious as to how many drones there would be he didn't pounce them immediately and waited in a big tree. The sunlight also restricted the time he could last in combat. N decided that the best option was to wait them out until night time.

Hours passed and he had lost track of time. He had now watched them for a prolonged period of time and counted them to be six in total and three newborns. Kill a newborn? A drone that never even got the chance to experience life? That would be hard for him to do, but a job is a job and he was sent here to eliminate any potential hazard to workers and the company.

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