Emergency Situation

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8:43 PM

N stood by himself in hangar bay 4, watching the stars and planets outside of the ship. He wished that V would've joined him this evening but she declined once again. He leaned over a tool cart and sighed heavily. Suddenly he noticed a pattern of stars outside that resembled the letter v. N couldn't help but trace it with his index for a while before straighten himself up again.

He was bored since he didn't have anyone to talk to at the moment. V didn't want to, J didn't like him and H was busy with J. He decided to head to The Hotspot and try to make a new friend to talk to. He hasn't done that in a while.

N reached The Hotspot and walked through the crowd of disassembly drones. He wasn't sure of whom to talk to because he knew he wasn't very popular. As he looked to his right and his left he bumped into someone right in front of him.

"I-I'm sorry!" He exclaimed and helped the drone back to their feet. "Thanks" the drone replied. N looked at the female disassembly drone for a moment before he gave it a shot. "Hi! My Name's N, pleasure to meet you! Do you want to be my friend?"

He asked, holding his hand out to her. The drone looked at his hand, and then back at his face before replying with a slightly southern accent. "Sure"
She took his hand and shook it. "Name's serial designation B, but you can call me B." She added.

"Cool! So B, what're you up to right now?" N asked and took a step closer to her. "Well I was just on my way to the training facility, but since you're here we can sit down and talk a bit." She pointed over to an empty table.

N and B sat at the table and held an enthusiastic conversation about wether dogs or cats are better to hold as pets. "The thing with cat's is, that they are lone wolves! They aren't even happy to see you when you come back after being gone!" N explained.

"And I think that dogs are just to clingy! They'll jump you, want to be pet and all that stuff! Plus you have to take them for walks, something that you don't have to do with a cat." B crossed her arms and smirked.

"Oh yeah!? Well-" N raised his index finger and wanted to counter, but was interrupted by someone who had just placed their hand on his shoulder. N's head spun a full 180 degree turn and stared directly at V.

"Am I... interrupting something important here?" She asked, eyeing N carefully. "N-No of course not V! Me and B were just talking about pets." He answered.

"Uh-huh... Sooo... what about training? We had an appointment today at nine." She asked and crossed her arms. "W-well you see V, I kinda have someone to talk to right now... and I don't want to just leave them abruptly. Plus I don't feel like training today."

"So it's ok to just forget our appointment and make me look like a total idiot waiting by myself in the training facility?" Her voice rose and she began to frown slightly. N didn't know how to answer to that.
Suddenly B butted in. "Are you his Girlfriend?" She asked curiously, eyeing the elite drone in front of her.

"W-WHAT?!" V exclaimed.Multiple drones turned to at the commotion. "I'm only asking, you look like a couple though, you know? Your hair has the same color, you've got the same headlights and you're wearing the same jacket. Only that you're wearing a short and feminine version of his. You're basically a match made in heaven."

"I'd NEVER be this loser's girlfriend! Never!" She scoffed. "Oh! So this cutie's single?" B asked whilst stroking N's head which earned her soft purring sounds. V gave B a death stare.

"Stop. THAT." V replaced her hand with claws and grabbed B's arm tightly. "I thought you weren't his girlfriend, so why are you getting so fed up with me stroking his head?" B asked as she broke free from V's grip. "Because you don't have his allowance to do that." She glared at B, making sure to never break eye contact.

N looked up to V with a puzzled expression. "Right!?" She elbowed him. "Ouch! -Oh yeah right! Only V has permission to touch my hair because..." he had to quickly find a solution to the confusion. "-because V's my personal trainer and she's in my squad! Only squad members can touch one another." He nodded and crossed his arms.

B eyed the two for a moment before waving them off. "Ok, ok I get it. But N you should stay true if you devote yourself to something. May it be a relationship or just an appointment... We'll pick the conversation up again later." She stood up and left.

V nodded slightly. "We'll then N, let's go and train again." V began to walk off but N didn't immediately follow her. She looked over her shoulder. "Just you and me N, c'mon."

He sighed. "I'll just go and drink something. I'll be with you shortly." He answered and walked off to the drink dispensers. V rolled her eyes and followed him.

They both stood in front of one of the dispensers. "Hey V, they've got something new here, it's called... 'Ethanol'... it's apparently a vital component in gasoline." He ordered a can.

V wasn't listening and only really paid attention as N raised the can to his mouth. "N wait!" She grabbed his arm. "What is it V? I'm really thirsty and I've never tried it before."

"I don't think it's a good idea to try that kind of drink right now N." She said worryingly, still holding onto his arm. N' was already feeling a little anger towards V because she interrupted his conversation with B. He sure as hell won't let her deny him a drink.

N overpowered V's slim arm and drank the entire can. The colorless liquid gave off a wine-like odor and tasted very pungent. "Oh good robo-god!" N exclaimed. V watched him nervously.

"N? Are you ok?" She put her hand on his back. N needed a few seconds to realize what happened. "Huuuuh...? Oooh.. y-yeeeaaah... V? Since when did you get... two heads...? I wanna kiss 'em." He giggled slightly and leaned towards her. Ethanol had such a strong effect on drones it almost instantly reduces processing time and lowers the capability of all awareness systems, like optic and acoustic sensors. Effectively it was a very strong medium that drones used to get really drunk.

Suddenly N lost his balance and swanked from left to right before collapsing into V. Luckily she was strong enough to catch him. She shook her head and carried N back to his quarters. She swiftly opened the door and shut it behind her.

Once inside she laid him down on his bed where he curled up into a ball. V sat down at the foot of it and inspected N's room. She'd never seen it before.
He had a long desk which almost linked up with his bed, a few random cushions, a swivel chair and a picture of him and V near his bed.

She stood up and inspected the picture. V picked it up and lightly rubbed her index finger over N's face on the picture and recalled the memories she had of that day. V smiled lightly to herself before she set it back down.

"It's a shame it all turned out this way N..." she sighed and put her hand on his forehead. He giggled slightly as she did so. V smiled and stood up. It was time for her to leave.

"Wh... Where are youu going?"

V turned around and saw that N had sat up and looked at her. "Pleease stay with... me" he patted the bed before lying down again. Spending a bit of time with N didn't seem to be a bad thing to do. Besides he needed her right now. She locked the door and joined N.

As soon as she also laid down, N snuggled up to her. He laid his head on her chest and completely relaxed. "Shouldn't you be the one comforting me?" She joked as she ran her hand through his hair again. "No~." He replied, snuggling a little closer.

As he did so V finally felt at peace for the first time in years. She forgot about her problems and relaxed. It felt all so unreal to her and she couldn't help but shed a tear. Before she knew it, she drifted off to sleep.

'I wish this moment would last forever'

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