A horrifying Flashback

742 10 12

10:00 PM
The Colony - Freetime Sector

Uzi and Thad strolled along the the lively hallway that just didn't seem to end. Along this hallway were the entrances to multiple arcades, restaurants, sport clubs, karaokes and bars. Once done with their daily tasks, most worker drones would come here to spend the rest of the day until late in the evening. Then they'd have to get home to recharge themselves for the next day. 

The worker drone pair walked hand in hand, causing a few workers to look at them. It seemed odd to them, that a cool and good looking male drone like Thad would start dating someone like Uzi. The reason for this being her rebellious behaviour towards her father and during classes. "Don't mind them Zee." Thad whispered softly, as he'd noticed that Uzi kept looking down to the ground. "I- uh, ... I didn't... mind them." She replied quickly.

Then Thad stopped dead in his tracks, pulling Uzi to a gentle stop. "We're here Zee. This is the place we picked for tonight. Oh! And trust me, you'll love my friends." He winked and lead the way into a karaoke bar. Uzi glanced at the neon sign above its entrance as they entered. "Who in the right mind would name their karaoke bar 'Kara-okay'?" In honesty, Uzi just tried to get some small talk going as meeting new potential friends suddenly got her flustered.

After walking for a while Thad stopped in front of a door. "Here we are, lets go." He grabbed the handle and opened the door. Immediately the worker pair was greeted in a cheerful manner. "Hey Thad, how you been brother? You haven't called me in a while." A tall drone with a heavy accent stepped up to him and reached his hand out to Thad. He gladly took it. "Hey Dell, yeah we sure haven't!" He winked at his friend. Meanwhile Uzi was trying to figure out what type of accent 'Dell' was using to get a conversation started. She believed it to originate somewhere from the southern parts of North America on earth. Probably from the early 1920s.

"Oh! And I haven't introduced you all to my girlfriend yet, right? Meet Uzi, or how I like to call her-" Thad pushed the sunglasses he'd worn for this day down far enough so his eyes peeked over the top edge. "Zee." The male made a dramatic pose and fingergunned at his partner. Silence filled the room for a short moment as Dell and the other drones looked from Thad to Uzi and back. "So you're Thad's girlfriend? Nice to meet you." Dell greeted Uzi just like he had greeted Thad.

Uzi reluctantly took it and was surprised by his sheer gripping strenght in an instant. "Wow." She realized that the word had slipped out and instinctively glanced at Thad. "Yeah, Dell's a hard worker. Apparently they upgraded his hydraulic system for more heavy duty construction work deep down in the colony's new sector." Dell chuckled and rubbed the back of his head. "You know you don't have to praise me like that Thad." The tall worker smiled at his long time friend. "So, back to catching up. How's school working out for you brother? I heard your grades have been improving over the course of the last weeks. What happened?"

Dell waited for a reply, but spotted Uzi and Thad giving each other glances. He took a step back and sighed. "Ahh... I see. You've been helping old Thad out, haven't you? I'm really glad." The relaxed smile on his face comforted the worker pair and they scooted closer to one another. Then another silent pause errupted between the drones in the karaoke room, until Thad clapped his hands together. "Ok! So who's up for Karaoke?"

"I'm sorry guys, I have to go!" A female drone with blonde hair jumped up from the couch and scooted past Dell, Thad and Uzi. The moment she passed Uzi, they recognized one another. "Lizzy?!" Uzi called out to the worker, who'd stopped at the door. "I... I need to go, it's very, VERY urgent." Her tone was dead serious. She swung open the door and shut it behind her, leaving everyone in the room bewildered.

The Spire
10:13 PM

Lizzy had rushed her way to the spire through the fog and the blizzard. Once she arrived and stepped through what resembled some type of 'Gate', she spotted V. The diassembly drone was laying among the many pieces and corpses of worker drones they'd murdered over the past eighteen years, motionless. Her visor was pitch black and she had claw marks all over her body. "Oh my god! V!!" Lizzy knelt down next to her and began shaking the drone. "Wake up V! This is no time for a... a dirt nap!" V didn't respond. 

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