Slow but Steady

690 11 18

1:21 AM
The Spire

"Sooo... I guess that's it then. I'll be heading back to the company now... My parents might've started looking for me already. So..." The shorter worker drone turned to face V. "... see you two lovebirds later~" She winked with her right eye and ran off. V stood there, perplexed for a few seconds before her system realized what her friend had just said. "G-Go DIE!" The taller female drone yelled after the runaway. She breathed heavily before collecting herself once again. Finally V turned to face N, who'd just silently acknowledged the exchange until now.

"Tell me N... How did you manage to overwrite the E.T. code? That's... practically impossible." A sudden awkwardness arose between the pair again. They still weren't comfortable talking to one another. "W-Well I... you see uh, it did try to take control of me, but I uh... I didn't let it do that. I... " The male drone paused and inhaled for a moment before continuing. "I thought of you." Those words hit V like a wall. She couldn't believe what she'd just heard. This didn't seem right, she needed a verification. "Of me? How come you thought of me?" The female stepped closer to him.

"Well I remembered all the fun times we had... and I just couldn't let that go. I... I'm sorry I left you when you were vulnerable V..." N blamed himself and couldn't bear to face her anymore. He had to look away. V however didn't know how to respond to this. After what she did to him, he still didn't really want to leave her, and even blamed himself for vanishing for an hour or so. "N... no listen, you don't have to blame yourself for leaving me like that. If you ask me, I strongly believe that it was a justified act..." She glanced over to him and realized that he'd raised one of his eyebrows. "... I-I'm not saying that it was good that you left me of course! But still! I uh... yeah..." The female disassembly drone fell silent again.

The awkward silence between them arose again and neither wanted to be the first to break it once again. Instead N just... nodded and walked into the spire, ultimately disappearing inside the wrecked landing pod. V sighed loudly and face palmed herself. "Good Robogod... Why do I always freeze up when talking about sensitive topics with him..." She stared at the pod for a little longer before sitting down in the snow. "Guess I'll wait out here for him..." The female mumbled to herself as she leaned against the corpse wall. Then out of nowhere her eyes suddenly became heavy and within a minute she'd fallen asleep.

7:43 PM
The Spire

Slowly but surely, V opened her eyes and examined her surroundings. To her it seemed like she'd just blinked, but the lighting change in The Spire itself immediately brought her to question herself if it really only was a blink or if she actually fell asleep. Sunlight was shining in from the entrace right next to her. It seemed like the Sunset had just started as the light was a glowing bright orange, instead of its typical bright white. After examining her surroundings V also noticed a green blanket that covered her, including a cup of hot- well, now rather cold -chocolate in the snow. Gently, the disassembly drone folded the blanket, stood up and walked over to the pod. She knocked twice and waited for an answer.

No-one answered, so she decided to announce herself. "Uhm... N? I'm bringing the blanket back." Still no answer. V opened the door. Once inside she froze in an instant. N stood near the control desk, not wearing his jacket or shirt. Instead he was patching himself up, using spare sheet metal and synthetic rubber he'd extracted from worker corpses. He hadn't realized that she was inside, because he used the reflection of the shattered main monitor to precision bolt said sheet metal plates onto the side of his torso. Since he wasn't equipped with engineering tools and spare parts he'd gone to the colony to grab some tools that he could use with his normal hands, like a bolt pistol, an impact driver and a screw driver.

"N! Decency!" V yelled and threw the blanket at her male counterpart. As the blanket hit him, N lost focus, pushed the trigger on the bolt pistol accidentally and fired a bolt right into a spot that didn't need patching. "Ouch!" The male yelped and put the tool away. "V! What the hell!?" Clearly upset, he wanted to know why she'd thrown a blanket at him. "You're not wearing anything! And besides! You got a repair and maintenance system! Remember!?" The female shouted. Both drones stared at one another. "Well, it's not my fault that someone damaged it beyond funcionality." N snarked at her, turning back around to continue fixing his hull.

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