Alternative Ways

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N woke up with a jolt. He immediately sat upright and looked around his dark room. The engine that works to supply the various pumps inside him with electricity was whirring loudly. He looked down next to him and noticed someone. The drone had turned to their right and was now facing towards his room and away from him.

N activated his night vision module and was now clearly able to see, who was lying net to him. He recognized the 'female' drone and happiness filled his stomach. His engine whirred a bit louder now.
Not wanting to wake her, he gently laid back down and stared at the ceiling. The whirring quietness down as he relaxed.

"I didn't know you had an emotional side V..." N whispered to himself. A smile crept on his face. Then V began to move. He quickly commanded his systems into stand-by mode. That'd mean he'd actually fall asleep soon again, but he didn't want to be awake and ruin this moment they had going.

He felt the pressure on the mattress shift and move. V had sat up. She didn't do anything for a while. Then he felt pressure feedback from his chest area. N slightly opened one of his eyes and saw, that she had snuggled up to him.

Carefully he moved his right arm away from under her and wrapped it around V's waist. He played it off as doing it subconsciously and felt her engine whirring quicker and quicker. The last thing N saw before he went into stand-by mode was her short, but beautiful hair.


The internal alarm clock N had set for 5:59 went off and woke him up. He opened his eyes an waited for his system to fully start up and become operational. When he was done booting up, he sat upright and noticed that V had already left.

The male drone sighed and sat at the edge of his bed for a while. As he rubbed the spot where she had laid with his hand he recalled last night. It all felt so surreal."Why didn't you stay?" He asked the bed.

No answer.

For a while he just sat there and couldn't do anything else besides thinking about her. She was just perfect and everything he could possibly ask for.
"I really should go an thank her for bringing me to bed yesterday." With those words he decided what he'd do in the morning and left his room.

On his way to V's quarters he encountered J. Something about her walking pattern seemed off, but he couldn't put his finger on it. "Good morning J!" He greeted her. J flinched and looked at him. "Ugh... M-Morning loser" she said swiftly as she limped past him. "J are you alright?" He turned to face her.

J stopped and looked over her shoulder. "I'm fine moron. My... hip joints are in need of maintenance." She answered before continuing down the corridor. "Oh ok! If you need help... feel free to ask!" He yelled enthusiastically. J grunted in disgust and began to leave.

N also spun around and continued to V's quarters. He stopped in front of the door and knocked twice. No one answered and he decided to knock again. This time V answered. "Who is it?" She asked, an aggressive undertone could be heard as she spoke.

"It's me N! Can I come in?" He pressed his ear against the door. "NO!" She yelled from the other side. He took a step back. "Why?" He needed an answer. There's no way that V would shut him out now that they've slowly started to bond with one another.

"I'm not myself right now N. Just leave and... f-forget about me for a week." The slight stutter and aggressiveness of the way she said it worried him. "V I would never be able to forget you for an entire week! You know me!" He leaned against the door and crossed his legs.

"W-Well you should! Just leave! ... LEAVE!" She banged against the door from the inside and startled N. Not seeing another option of how he could convince her to talk to him through a door he opened it. "I just want to thank you for taking care of me last night!" He yelled at V.

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