chapter 1

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The next day

*Izuku woke up with a smile on his face, feeling the weight of his girl... of his fiancee on top of him. Izuku kissed her forehead, making her stir awake looking at him. She closed her eyes and smiled.

Tsuyu: Morning, my burned fiance Kero

Izuku: Morning, my froggy fiancee, ready to start the day?

*Izuku asked, but Tsuyu buried her head deeper into his chest, croaking while she did so.*

Tsuyu: "Mh, no, want to to stay here and cuddle Kero.

Izuku: Well, mom did take Eri back to Momo, so I don't see why not.

Meanwhile, with Momo

*We see her in a panic, trying to reach Izuku and Tsuyu.*

Momo:shit, shit, shit! Come on, Izuku, Tsuyu, pick up the damn phone!!

Phone: You've reached Izuku Midoriya. I'll call you back when I can, and if this is lucky, this better not be another call about how you're in jail and need bail money. Please leave a message.


Back to Izutsuyu

*We see their phones under the bed, both in silent mode, with no vibration. Tsuyu cuddled closer to the warmth of Izuku's body as she grabbed the remote control, turning the TV on.

Izuku: In the mood to see the news or something?

Tsuyu:or something Kero. I want to rewatch Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Kero

*Tsuyu said casually, and Izuku grinned since, unlike Momo, who never got it, Tsuyu was always a big Star Wars nerd like him.*

Izuku: Cool, skip the first season.

Tsuyu: No, we're starting from the beginning of the Clones Wars TV movie.

Izuku groaned as Tsuyu chuckled. As they started to playfully bicker about how to properly watch the clone wars, Tsuyu pressed the DVD button on the remote, neither of them seeing the news or the "breaking news Izuku Midoriya found."

Izuku: Alright, fine, we'll start with the movie. It will be the worst thing that will happen to me today anyway. Let's see Anakin and Ashoka save stinky.

*Tsuyu kissed his cheek as they just enjoyed each other's company, not knowing that their lives were about to get a whole lot worse.

Meanwhile, with Momo

*We see her pacing in her room long since she stopped trying to reach Izuku and Tsuyu; she was now going into full panic mode. While in the background, her phone was being blown up by calls and messages from everyone she could think of, from her friends and classmates to the news media and todomomo lovers. Her door opened, making her stop pacing and snap her neck at whoever dared open the door in mid-panic. Seeing Kyoka Jirou there with a forced smile, if she ever saw one

Kyoka: Hey, so, how's it going?

Momo:oh! I'm doing just fine! Peachy even! I've had like 5 Expresso shots. Thank you for buying the Expresso machine for my birthday. By the way, I don't know what I would do without it!

Kyoka: I can see that...

Kyoka walked inside, moving past her and closing the window's curtains for... reasons as she turned around with a smile on her face.

Kyoka: How about we sit down and relax?

Momo:i...i...i can't kyoka i...

Kyoka puts her hands on Momo's cheek and makes Momo look at her eyes.

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