chapter 19

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With ochako

We see her walking back home from another long day at work. She loved her job; she truly did. There's nothing greater than seeing the smiles of the people she saved, but having to work overtime every day just to pay the lawsuit money was slowly killing her youth. With a shake of the keys, she walked inside.

Ochako: TsaiShenYeh, I'm home, baby. Where are you?

*Ochako smiled softly as she kneeled down and petted her cat, one of the few luxury items she let herself have.*

Ochako: I missed you too, baby. Let Mama take a bath, then we can cuddle together.

*Ochako walked further inside her decent-sized studio apartment, taking her clothes off as she walked. She stumbled a bit, making a picture frame fall to the ground. Thankfully, ochako didn't hear it shattered. She took the shirt over her head and went to pick up the picture, but her hand froze for a second seeing the picture that fell.

*With a small sigh, she picked it up, looking at the picture as she softly rubbed it with her thumb. How much has changed? How many friendships did she think would last a lifetime?

Ochako:Shoto Todoroki is in jail for at least another 20 years.

*Ochako closed her eyes tight as tears wanted to come out, but she refused whatever romantic feelings she may have had for Shoto, who died off a long time ago, and she sure as hell wasn't about to wait for him.*

Ochako: Tenya Iida let his hero's life and family name get to his head and corrupted him to the point where he just gaslighted himself into believing in his rights to the point where I had to cut him out of my life.

*Ochako looked at Izuku, feeling the guilt of everything her family has done catching up to her.*

Ochako: At least Izuku is free, but can he call that freedom? He has to hide from the public; his limbs are burned, and he's using a cane when I last saw him with...tsuyu, so there's something wrong with his spine.

*Ochako looked at the last member of the former dekusquad, Tsuyu Asui. No matter how she looked at the picture in Ochako's mind, she could only see her as she was in the hospital that day.

Ochako: At least her skin is a lot better. I hope she's having fun.

Meanwhile, with Tsuyu

We see her, Izuku, Momo, and Eri in karaoke. After Kyoka Momo wasn't feeling it, they decided to do it another day, i.e., today, Izuku decided to tag along and have a kind of small family activity. Both Eri and Momo were waiting for their turn while Tsuyu...

Tsuyu: Kiss me, Kero, kiss me. Kero Infect me with your loving Kero. Fill me with your poison. Kero Take me, take me. I want to be your victim. Ready for abduction kero

She was on top of the table, going all out.

Tsuyu:Boy, you're an alien.
Your touch is so foreign, Kero.
It's a supernatural extraterrestrial kero. This is transcendental Kero. On another level
Boy, you're my lucky star. Kero
I want to walk on your wavelength.
And be there when you vibrate.
For you, I'll risk it all, Kero.

And then there was Izuku, who kicked open the door with a microphone in hand. was wearing a leather jacket with black shades on his face and smoke from a fog machine and lights his part-time workers were operating.

Eri: You two are way too extra.

Eri had her hands in her head with a blush of embarrassment, not believing her father could be such a dork.

Tsuyu: We know how to have fun.

Izuku:I know a bar out in Mars.
Where are they driving spaceships instead of cars? Cop a Prada space suit about the stars
Getting stupid, hah, straight up out of the jars
Pockets on shrek, rockets on deck
Tell me what's next. Alien sex Imma disrobe you, then Imma probe you. See, I abducted you, so I tell you what to do.

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