chapter 43

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Nejire sighed as she parked at the courthouse and got out, looking at the building with mixed feelings.


Nejire is a veteran pro-hero who has been through a war against the Meta Liberation Organization. She jumped, scared out of her mind, as she flew up in the air. She looked down and saw her lawyer, Masaru Bakugo, with a briefcase and the same smile he had in that meeting. She flew back down with her hand on her heart.

Nejire: Where the hell did you even come from?!

Masaru: From behind you? My car's right there.

Masaru said, pointing behind him. Nejire turned around and started walking inside, with Masaru following her.

Nejire: and I'm not scared; it's just... 10 years is a long time, and now it's going to be over. I just...

Masaru: I understand that divorce should be the last option. If you wish, I can talk to Masaru's lawyer and cancel this whole thing.

Nejire: What about you? Do you know who?

Masaru: Oh, my nephew will be without a doubt pissed. But pro bono or not, you are my client, and your needs come first. So what's it going to be?

Nejire bit her underlip as she thought about it.

Nejire:Even after everything he's done, I can't deny that there's a part of me that still cares for him."

*Nejire thought. Then she thought about Eri. Eri quickly transformed into Penelope in her mind, and what if it would've been her? The very thought made Nejire sick to her stomach as her eyes turned cold.

Nejire:no. Continue with the trial. My feelings aside, I just can't be with him after doing what he did.

Nejire said, hugging herself. Masaru nodded with a small smile of encouragement for Nejire as he opened the door for her. With one deep breath, she walked in.

Nejire: "This is it."

Meanwhile, with Eri

Eri coughed up blood as she fell on the floor, a tooth flying to the air as gravity's hands grabbed her and she slammed on the ground. She tried to get up but felt a foot on her throat.

Haku: The villain would've jammed their foot way harder, making it impossible to breathe. You die, I win.

*Haku said simply as he helped Eri up. Eri grabbed Haku's hand and got up; she placed a hand on her own face and rewinded it to before the injuries.

Eri: How are you so good?

Haku: The orphanage doesn't have a TV, and we're too broke to buy phones. So Naruto and I train since we've got nothing better to do.

Eri glanced at Monika as she dodged a fire kick from Marquis. Eri and her group decided to join Naruto and Haku in their regular training regiment. In the background, Nusutto was screaming as she was kicked to the air by Naruto.

Haku: You should find another opponent, Eri. I'm at a level too high for you to defeat me. I would suggest you fight with your girlfriend.

Eri:mínoka is not my girlfriend.

Haku: I do not recall saying mínoka now, did I?

Eri flinched and cursed under her breath for falling for such a cheap trick, while Haku hummed with an amused expression on his face.

Haku: What's going on with you two anyway?

Eri: It's complicated

Haku: Hm, walk with me. Talk with me. We need to get some drinks.

the mechanic book 3 the trial arcWhere stories live. Discover now