chapter 9

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Tsuyu: I wasn't about to be seen in that monstrosity. Kero

Izuku: It wasn't that bad.

Tsuyu: I beg to differ; it looked like it came from a junkyard. It looked like something lucky would buy Kero.

Izuku: Now that's just cold.

Tsuyu:blunt. Not cold, now hands of the radio, it is my turn to pick the music.

Eri: Can I pick something? I saw in your CD collection a song that might be a compromise for the both of you.

Eri said nervously as Tsuyu just nodded and let Eri put the song on.

Zuku grew a wild grin while Tsuyu looked at Eri threw the mirror for Eri; it was a neutral expression. For Izuku, he knew that was Tsuyu's playful, annoyed face.

Tsuyu: You know there's simpler ways to say I'm a daddy's girl apart from agreeing with him on everything. Kero

*A blush of embarrassment grew on Eri's face as she played with her fingers when it happened.*

Izuku: I ruled the world.
With these hands, I shook the heavens to the ground and laid the gods to rest.

*Izuku gave himself a bitter smile as he stopped at the red light. He couldn't help but look at his hands and the power he once held.

Tsuyu: Oh great, here we go, Kero.

Eri: Here, what comes?

Tsuyu, Honey, your father is a very emotional person even after everything, and one of the ways he lets those emotions go is...

Izuku:I held the key to the kingdom.
Lions guarding castle walls
Hail, the King of Death

*Old decade-long memories of his training with OFA start to come into his mind.*

Tsuyu: singing Kero

Eri: Is that a bad thing?

Tsuyu: When he sings so badly, yes.

Izuku: Oh, please, I sing better than you.

Zuku said, smirking quickly before going back to singing.

Izuku:Then I lost it all. Dead and broken my
Backs against the wall
Cut me, open me...

Eri flinched at the word cut; somehow she felt all the more hurtful hearing that simple word come out of her father. Eri kept her eyes on the window, rubbing her wrists.

Izuku:Just trying to breathe
I'm just trying to figure it out.
Because I built these walls
To watch 'em crumble down

This time it was Tsuyu's turn. She pursed her lips slightly, thinking about her family and how that frase spoke to her.

Izuku:I said
Then I lost it all.
Who can save me now?

*Izuku grabbed hold of Tsuyu's hand and winked at her, making her smile every so slightly almost unnoticeable. Then something happened that got the adults attention.*

Eri:I stood above; another war
Another jewel above the crown
I was the fear of man.

Eri closed her eyes as memories of her spending time with Shoto Todoroki made her spine tremble with disgust at him and, sadly, disgust with herself.

Eri:But I was blind.
I couldn't see.
The world is right in front of me.
But now I can

Eri opened her eyes and looked at her father, who had his eyes on the road, so he couldn't see her. A hopeful yet scared look grew inside Eri's eyes as her real father was here in front of her, and she would never betray him again. Eri jumped a bit when Tsuyu took her turn on the mic.

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