chapter 50

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With momo

We see her in her office doing her work. Setsuna walked in and looked at her with her arms crossed.

Setsuna: What's going on?

Momo: I'm doing my work. If you're done asking questions, Tokage, I'm very busy.

Setsuna walked to the chair opposite Momo's. Momo gave a shaky breath and placed her pen down. She gave a weak chuckle.

Momo: You're impossible, you know that? You bitch and moan when I don't do my work. And now you're distracting me from doing my work.

Setsuna: Yeah, because I know you're only doing it to distract yourself from something. Now are you going to tell me? Or do I have to give you the look?

Setsuna said with a small tease. Momo sighed and turned the TV back on. Setsuna snapped her head back like an owl and looked at it.

Setsuna: Ah, the Midoriya v. Togata case. Guess you're worried about the old flame, huh?

Momo: It's not that

Setsuna looked back at Momo with a raised eyebrow, and she sighed.

Momo: It's not mostly that; I'm just... I don't know; I just wish things could've been different. At least for this, I wish people didn't hate Zuzu so much.

Setsuna: He's a big boy; he can take care of himself. And he's not exactly helping his likability by suing the hero of hope; you know how crazy people get for that kind of stuff.

Momo: After what Togata did? Would you let it go?

Setsuna: Fuck no, if that man went near Elizabeth, me and Monoma would probably do the same thing. Well, Monoma would first beat his ass, then we would sue.

Momo gave a small laugh at the very idea of number 91 beating the number one hero.

Setsuna: But just because we all would do it doesn't mean it's the right thing to do. Since the people already made their choice, no matter what they show, it won't change their minds.

Momo: Hm, I just wish I could help more. But Izuku told me not to get involved.

Setsuna: Why did he do that?



Momo: I'm sorry. I'm sorry. What did you say?

*We see Momo again hanging around Izuku's shop; she was hiding from Setsuna and was currently sitting up straight, looking at Izuku, who kept his gaze on his paperwork. Izuku sighed and kept writing.

Izuku:that you will not get involved in this lawsuit.

Momo, and why the hell not? Eri is my daughter too.

Izuku, and that's exactly why you won't be involved.

*Izuku placed the pen down and took off his glasses, which he now needs for reading. He looked at Momo.

Izuku: After I do this, I'll be one of, if not the most hated person in Japan for a long while. At least with you, Eri will be able to act like a normal girl when she comes back since Japan knows her as Eri Yaoyorozu. Not Eri Midoriya Yaoyorozu; the best way she stays safe is if you stay clear of this lawsuit.

Momo:izuku You can't deal with all this hate alone.

Tsuyu, who said he's going to be alone, Kero?

*Tsuyu said she was walking into the office with lunch. She placed the food on the table and kissed Izuku's cheek.

Tsuyu: I'll be with him; we can deal with this. You need to concentrate on Eri's protection since we won't be able to do that, Kero.

Izuku:We all have our roles to play, and yours is as Eri's normal parent.

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