chapter 47

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With eri

We see her in her room scrolling on her phone with Monika's head on her lap.

Monika: what's wrong? I felt you flinching.

Eri: It's... it's UA. It's closing.

*Monika's eyes widen as she lifts her hand. Eri passes the phone to her, and Monika looks at it. Reading the article, she can't help but frown.

Monika: God damn it, I owe my mother 50 bucks!


Minoka:I bet it would never get shut down with how corrupt Japan can be. No wonder she's been calling me...

Eri: Wait, your mother has been calling you, and you just ignored her?

Eri said she was surprised that if she did, Momo would have a panic attack and fly to Paris, thinking the worst. Monika just shrugged with a grin.

Monika: She knows I'm alive; that's all she needs. But seriously, thank Magneto, that place is dead and buried. I hope the little shits don't make it to another hero school and just live their lives with dead jobs.

Eri hummed as she thought about the article; she should be happy, should feel relief, anything really, but she didn't. She didn't; she just felt hollow when thinking about it. She was taken out of that thought when she flinched again and blushed deeply since Minoka kissed her inner thigh.


Monika: Sorry, you just looked so deep in thought that I had to tease you a little.

*Monika said with a wink and a grin. Eri huffed as she pouted, making Monika chuckle as she got higher and making Eri fall on her back on the bed as Monika spooned her.*

Monika: Let's take a nap, my little spoon.

Eri: mínoka You're not going to escape your homework like that.

*Monika started snoring, but Eri was having none of it.*

Eri: Girl, I know you're faking it.

*Monika grip became stronger as Eri tried to escape to no avail. Eri huffed frustrated as she just accepted her faith and got comfortable, at least feeling a warmth inside herself being held like this by her girlfriend.*

Meanwhile, in Japan


*The Midoriya and Bakugo families clink their Pepsi-filled glasses together as they drink and celebrate watching the news.*


Lois: I'll repeat if you just turned on your TV: UA, the once-highest-ranking hero school in the country, is now going to be closed by the end of the month. It truly is the end of the era. Back to you in the studio. Clark

Clark: Thank you, Lois. I gotta say I'm not surprised that place has been on the decline for the last couple of years.

Jimmy: Tell me about it. Every time I looked up the ranks, it would get lower and lower.

Clark: It really is a show of how the mighty can fall.

Living room

Mitsuki: And all thanks to my husband right here!!

Mitsuki said, hugging Masaru and giving him a big kiss on the lips. Masaru blushed, embarrassed, as he rubbed the back of his head.

Chizome: Ha, from cold and calculating to a bumbling fool, you really are a mystery.

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