Chapter 40

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*We see Nejire Hado in a hotel waiting in line to buy a room. What happened to her old apartment?*


*Nejire sighed as she jingled the keys to her apartment and walked inside. She looked around; dust had started to fill the room; the stench of rotten meat and fish left on the counter for a month filled her nose and made her gagged; and that's not even the worst part; Nejire noticed she left the window open and all of her valuables were gone.*


Receptionist: Hello, and how long has your stay been?

Nejire: 3 weeks at the penthouse, please.

Nejire said in a defeated tone. Nejire knew it was not her fault, but seeing the receptionist smile just pissed her off. She grabbed the key and walked to the elevator.

Nejire: "Magneto, Ineed a shower.

Well, that can wait, little girl!

Nejire paled, and her throat gave a whine. This was one of the last people she wanted to see right now. She turned to her with a forced smile.

Nejire: Rumi, your looking like you. Is that your new hero suit?

Rumi: Nah, some asshole with an acid quirk burned my clothes off, and this was all I had that was clean! How long have you been back?! Let's have a drink!

*Rumi said, hugging her shoulder, already walking away from the elevator that opened.*

Nejire: No, no, I mean, there's not a bar around for miles!

Receptionist: Actually, the hotel has an open bar open 24/7 on the third floor.

*Nejire looked at the woman; now she did have a reason to hate her. Rumi grinned and got bigger.*

Rumi:fantastic! You can tell me all about your vacation, and I can get you updated on the ins and outs of what's been going on on the land of the rising sun.

*Rumi said, ignoring the fact that Nejire was pulling and trying desperately to free herself from the pro-bunny hero's grip, but it was futile.*

With izuku

We see him in his shop; he was just doing a simple oil change on a car when someone called for him.

Excuse me, are you the owner of this establishment?

*Izuku sighed and got out of under the car. He stood up, giving the signal to his workers to not do anything rash. *

Izuku "Of course it's a fucking pro hero; why else would I expect with my luck?"

*Izuku crossed his arms and looked at the pro hero up and down, Tetsutetsu being so tense he doesn't know it's Izuku Midoriya*

Izuku: That depends on who's asking. You need a car checkup.

tetsutetsu:uh no

Izuku: Does your question have anything to do with cars or car-related products?

tetsutetsu: No, no, it has...

Zuku snapped his fingers, and Buck started walking towards them.

Izuku: Then I don't give a crap; whatever you've got, I'll tell you the same thing I tell the cops that come sniffing around these parts: I ain't seen nothing, I don't know nothing, and have a nice day.

Tetsutetsu felt Buck's hand firmly on his shoulder.

Tetsutetsu:bro I don't want any trouble. I just want to ask a few questions.

Izuku: your right You don't want any trouble. But I'll get into trouble if I'm seen talking to someone like you, so if you want to stop a future crime from happening, please allow my employee to show you the exit.

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