chapter 2

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Izuku: I know, honey, I don't like it either, but, as much as I hate to say this, she has a point: we need some way to defend ourselves if the worst happens.

Izuku "More importantly, I'll have a way to defend you."

*Izuku winced when he felt Tsuyu slap him at the back of his head.*

Tsuyu: Stop it. I can see where your mind is going. I love your heroic heart, but you're not going to put yourself in danger just to protect me. kero


Tsuyu: No, you're not Kero.

*The 3 of them chuckled at that as Izuku gave his hand to Kaina, who understood and gave him the gun.*

Tsuyu:careful Kero

Kaina: it's fine The safety is on. I know this is a lot, but if you two are still too stubborn to move out of Japan, you'll need some way to defend yourself, so what do you say?

Izuku: Can you teach us how to use one?

Kaina: Yes, I will I'll even get you two smaller ones so you can have them with you when you're out.

Tsuyu: Hm, I want to have the moving conversation again, Kero?

Izuku: Sure, honey, do you want to leave Japan?

Tsuyu: No, as much bad as has happened to us, we were born here. I'll be damned if I let those idiots kick us out of the country. This is our home; our family is here. Nothing can make me want to leave. Kero

Izuku: I feel the same way. As much as I hate the people here, I still love Japan; it's my home. My pride in my country won't let me leave, so... I guess there's only one option left.

Tsuyu: Kaina, please teach us how to use a gun responsibly. Kero

Kaina: You won't be disappointed. I'll start doing the paperwork right away. I'll be back in a few days. In the meantime, keep the gun as insurance. The paperwork is inside the briefcase.

Kaina got up and left, but only when both heard Kaina's motorcycle run off did they both take a breath of relief. Izuku put the gun down and locked it back in the case. Both hugged each other closer, their eyes never leaving the case.

Tsuyu: I hate this Kero.

Izuku: As do I, my love, as do I just another compromise to survive? Better to have it and not need it than to need it and not have it. I'm not going to let another fire incident happen again.

*Izuku's voice was cold as he kept a serious expression. He got up.*

Izuku: I'll call Melissa and tell her we need more security.

Just as Izuku was about to walk out, he felt Tsuyu's hand grab his. Izuku looked at Tsuyu, and it broke his heart to see her reaction. She was terrified.

Tsuyu: You can do that later. Can you just hold me? Please, Kero.

*Tsuyu's voice was hoarse, and the hand that Izuku was holding was trembling. Izuku didn't say anything; he just nodded. Sitting back down, they hugged each other. The song had long since stopped helping the mood, but it kept the both of them grounded, stopping their minds from thinking of the worst-case scenario. For Izuku, his past was just a bad dream, but for Tsuyu? It was a nightmare since that day is what gave her something she is still dealing with today, PTSD.


It took a few hours before the door was knocked again. Once again, Tsuyu walked to the door since Izuku was busy on her phone, telling his part-time workers they had the day off for personal reasons.

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