chapter 51

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Location: Paris airport

*Izuku and Tsuyu walked off the airport holding their bags. They took one deep breath of the French air, already feeling lighter.

Tsuyu: This is nice. Should we tell Eri that we're here, Kero?

Izuku:hm, nah. Let's give her a week so she can still be a dumb teenager without parental supervision.

*Izuku did a New Yorker-style whistle, and a taxi stopped in front of them. *Izuku placed the bags in the trunk and opened the door for Tsuyu. Tsuyu touched his cheek lovingly in appreciation and sat down. Izuku sat down next to her.

Izuku: To Le Grand Paris, please

*The taxi driver nodded and drove off. * Tsuyu leaned her head on Izuku's shoulder and cuddled softly against it. *

Tsuyu: A week of just us? My whatever will we do, kero~?

*Tsuyu said in a husky voice that made a small blush appear on Izuku's face*

Izuku: Oh, we'll find ways to entertain ourselves, I'm sure. Just try not to break the bed like last time.

Tsuyu: I promise nothing, Kero.

*Tsuyu raised her head and licked Izuku behind the ear, making him tremble a bit.*

Izuku: So, how do you think the others are doing?

with momo

*We see Momo crying; she was heartbroken. We see her chained to her chair in one leg, and the other had a ball and chain. Setsuna slammed another pile of paperwork.

Setsuna, and after this, the bathrooms need a good scrubbing! I have never been so happy that today is Tuesday. Taco Tuesday

Setsuna said with the most evil glint Momo has ever seen, Momo slammed her fist on the table.

Momo: I'm the CEO of this company. I'm not going to go brush fucking bathroom stalls.

Momo moved back on her chair as Setsuna slammed the axe on the floor, cracking the marble floor.

Setsuna: Sorry, something must've been caught in my ear. Did you say something?

Setsuna said with a terrifying smile. Momo glued her eyes to her paperwork and started working.

Setsuna: Oh, it almost brings a tear to my eye. Now I'm going to go get us some food to show you I'm not so mad at you for making me deal with those asshole shareholders that screamed at me for not being you until I broke down and cried.

Setsuna said in a sweet voice as she skipped out of the room. Momo sighed as she slumped in her chair and lazily kept working.

Kyoka: Man, you really pissed her off now, didn't you?

Momo snapped her head at her emergency door and smiled brightly, getting her hope back alive from the grave.

Momo;Kyo!! You gotta help me!! Setsuna went crazy! She has me locked up with anti-quirk chains!!

Kyoka hummed, walking slowly towards her friend, with whom she has a complicated relationship.

Kyoka: And have she been angry with me too? I don't think so, at least not for free.

Momo: I'll give you anything! Money, fame, riches, and infinite power! Your own galaxy!! Please!!

Momo said desperation clearly in her voice.

Kyoka:a date. I want a public date with you—no more of this hiding or me being your booty call.

Kyoka said with a blush, but her face was deadly serious. Momo froze for a moment, fear flashing behind her eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 09 ⏰

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