chapter 6

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With momo

*We see her slamming her head over and over again on her desk while Setsuna was sipping her ice chai latte while she read the news.*

Momo: How much more?

Setsuna: Well, let's see, with all the calls from Monday, you still have... At least another 100 and growing

Momo's groaned loudly as she went back to slamming.

Setsuna: Yes, yes, you hate Iida. You curse him and any future children he may have.

Momo: Yes, thanks for the support. Don't forget who signs your paycheck.

Setsuna:the union

Momo:fuck you...

Setsuna: I'm pretty sure you would rather have your secret lover, Midoriya, do that.

Momo: Don't even joke about that; Izuku and I are just friends, and I'm trying to come to terms with that.

Setsuna: I'm not joking.

Setsuna threw the newspaper on Momo's desk, and she read it: "Momo is cheating Iida with Izuku Midoriya."

Momo: Setsuna

Setsuna has already called the lawyers. The newspaper company will be shut down in about 2 hours and will be sued for slander.

Momo: What would I do without you?

Setsuna: Jump out of that window.

Momo: Even now, I'm tempted.

Both chuckled softly at the dark humor before Momo took a deep sigh.

Momo: Alright, who's next?

Setsuna: There are some reporters who want to hear your side of the story, and before you start to bitch and moan, I made sure they're the type who want the truth, not the drama.

Momo: Fine. Get them in here. I just want today to be over.

Setsuna: You got it.

Setsuna got up and opened the door, letting the woman and her Camara crew walk inside.

Lois: Hello, Miss Yaoyorozu I'm Lois Lane, and it's nice to meet you.

Momo, likewise, can my assistant bring you something to drink? Maybe a muffin?

Lois, I'll take a cup of iced coffee and a blueberry muffin.

Momo: Of course, Setsuna, get on that.

Setsuna: Right away, ma'am.

Setsuna walked away as the Camara man started setting up his equipment.

Lois: I just want to personally thank you for choosing our company and for your response to the recent events.

Momo: Of course, in my opinion, your company is the best news media in all of Japan.

Momo said, smiling and lying, and threw her teeth since she didn't know anything about this woman or her company.

Lois: Thank you so much, and we're live in 5...4...3...2...1. Hello everybody, I'm Lois Lane here today with Momo Yaoyorozu. Here to dispel or confirm this theory that's been cursing all of Japan for the last 5 days. Now, Miss Yapyorozu, please tell us the truth. Are you in contact with Izuku Midoriya, the traitor of Japan?

Momo kept a neutral smile while her hands under the desk were bawled in to fist so tight her knuckles turned white.

Momo;no. The only reason Iida said such a thing is because I've refused his request for an arranged marriage.

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