chapter 42

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With Izuku

We see him and Tsuyu. Tsuyu was playing one of her games while Izuku rested his head on her lap. Tsuyu looked down and saw Izuku just looking up at her with a soft smile.

Tsuyu:what? Have you finished your book? Kero

Izuku: Did I tell you I love you?

*Tsuyu looked at Izuku, confused. She paused the game and looked down at him, giving Izuku her full attention.

Tsuyu: Yes, you've told me that countless times. You've told me each morning while you kiss me awake. Kero

Izuku: Then let me say it again: I love you.

*Izuku's voice is soft as a breeze but as clear as day in Tsuyu's ears. She smiled softly and responded.

Tsuyu:I love you too, Zuku Kero.

Izuku: You going to marry me today?

Tsuyu:what? Izuku Our wedding is in a few months. I'm sure my little inmate can be patient for a little while longer.

*Tsuyu said in an amused tone, thinking that Izuku just wanted to elope. Izuku just sighed in a dramatic fashion as he broke eye contact with Tsuyu and looked at the floor.*

Izuku: Why do you never say yes?

Tsuyu: Izuku, are you high? Is that why you're asking me these questions? Kero

Izuku: Do I make you happy, Tsuyu?

Tsuyu: Of course you too, Zuku. You know that you've made me more happy than I could ever imagine being Kero.

Izuku closed his eyes and hummed. Tsuyu frowned slightly. A response like that would usually get a smile out of Izuku, but now? He kept a neutral face.

Izuku: I'm so lucky to have you.

Tsuyu: You say that, but look at all I've got because of you. I'm the real lucky one to have your love. Kero

Izuku: Did you notice the sky?

Tsuyu:no? We've been in this room all day. We didn't even get up to get our delivery; I made Buck glitch the food for us. Kero

Izuku: It's not as beautiful as you

*Izuku said, rubbing Tsuyu's cheek. Tsuyu let out a small, shaky sigh as she melted a bit on Tsuyu's hand.*

Izuku: Kiss me, honey. Give them a pretty last imagine.

*Tsuyu was so distracted she could only hear "kiss me," and so she did. It was a short kiss, but in the end, they connected their foreheads.

Izuku: We are seen dancing and thought insane.

Tsuyu chuckled as she sat up straight again. *

Tsuyu: Not my fault. I was born with two left feet.

Izuku:by those that can't hear the music. Your only given a little spark of madness; you mustn't lose it.


Then Tsuyu froze; she had heard that quote before. She glared at him. Izuku grinned since he knew he was caught.

Tsuyu: You made me pause my game just to quote me from Rakan of League of Legends, Kero?!

Zuku tried to talk, but his giggles prevented that from happening.

Izuku: Did they do it, or didn't they work? Hahaha, I can see that blush on your face.

*Tsuyu huffed as she pushed Izuku out of her lap; he doesn't deserve to lay there anymore. Izuku, for his part, laughed.

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