chapter 24

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Later on, the Midoriya car

*The car ride was quiet. Izuku was driving, holding the steering wheel tightly and wearing a simple long white shirt long enough to hide most of his burned skin with an almost bored expression. Tsuyu looked in the mirror, seeing Eri squirming in her seat.

Tsuyu: It's going to be alright. Kero

*Tsuyu said it as gently as she could. Eri just kept quiet, scratching her wrists.*

Izuku: Okay, how's the morning with your mother been treating you?

Eri: Great! Mom told me that I'm going to a whole other country. So I'm just peachy.

Eri said her tone was dry and sarcastic; Izuku noticed the scratching but didn't act by it.

Izuku: Want us to buy you some ointment for that itch?

*Izuku said calmly, knowing the symptoms of withdrawal having lived through them so long ago. Eri flinched and cursed under her breath. She stopped scratching, putting her hands under her thighs as she kept her sights on the window.

Eri:no, I'm... I'm fine; it's just a mosquito bite.

Tsuyu: The more you scratch, the worse it will be, Kero.

Eri bit her tongue and just nodded. The silence in the car continued in silence as Izuku turned on the radio to fill the silence. Her conversation from breakfast was still deep in her mind as he bit her lip, but ultimately she relented and asked the question.

Eri: Do I have to go to Paris?

Zuku pursed his lips, turned off the radio, and placed his hands firm on the steering wheel. Just like Momo, this was something Zuku didn't want to do.

Izuku: It will be good for you to get out of Japan for a while.

Eri gave his father an unamused expression.

Eri, you call 2 years for a while?

Izuku: Ok, fair, but it really will do you good to just leave this island until things cool down a bit. Me and Tsuyu take vacations at least a couple months out of the year.

Eri: Father, a vacation is not the same as moving to a whole new country for like 2 to 3 years.

*Eri said with her arms crossed. Tsuyu thought it a bit cute that Eri was being just as stubborn as Izuku usually is.*

Izuku: and I get that, really. I get that moving to a whole new country can be terrifying. I get that you are nervous about leaving the place you were born in. But I know you'll love Paris, and you won't be alone; your friends are going with you. It will be a good way to grow and mature, and being in such a romantic place as Paris will probably help you with minoka.

Eri didn't smile, but she couldn't control her blushing, so she just sank down in her seat. Tsuyu decided to put in her two cents.

Tsuyu: You also won't be separated from your family, Kero. You'll still see us on the weekends, but now you'll add Momo to the weekend visits. Doesn't that sound nice? Having your whole parental family be able to visit you at the same time, Kero?

Eri: I guess we can. Can we just not talk about this anymore, please?

Eri said softly. Eri and Tsuyu looked at each other before nodding and looking back at the road. Izuku turned on the radio again to let the music fill the silence for the rest of the drive.

Meanwhile in Greece

Penelope was in school, while Nejire just wanted to be a potato and watch TV. They heard a knock on the door. Tamaki looked at the door and then at Nejire, just being a lazy but cute couch potato on his couch.

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