full owl doni🦉👻🐈🛑

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Idea by:Rainbreeze38945
Summary: what if a prank went wrong,and doni was cursed to be a full owl?

Doni's pov:

I was leading a witch to lynix,because I wanted to prank him by making the witch poison him.Of course I would give him milk to cure it.I finally passed the swamp biome and reached to where are all the houses are."lynix!"I called.I ran and hid while the witch was by his door.He came out a few seconds later and saw the witch."AHHH"he screamed and shut the door.I laughed so hard that the witch heard me.The witch came to me.It brung out a poition I have never seen before."what the-"I said before the poition was splash on me.I felt weird,and what made it weirder is that the witch disappeared. I flew over to the lake,and looked at myself.I realized I was a full owl,I tried to scream but all that came from he was a screech."did you hear that?!it was like a screech of an angry owl"I heard skiddze yell.
(Why I'd I think of screech of an angry owl(screech)from warrior cats?bruh...)
"Guys help I don't know what happened but I just turned into a full owl!" I said but every thing came out as a "hoot". WHAT THE- my thoughts were intruped by lynix." I wonder were it came from"lynix said."probably flew here"kiply answered."let's go tell doni"skiddze chuckled."guys its me,doni and I-"I stopped myself as the words came out as hoots.Kiply went closer to me,I thought since I trolled her I might as well give her some happiness. After all I do feel bad.....well not really.I flew to on her shoulder,to see what she would do."you know what?I'll keep him"she said.WAIT WHAT!THATS NOT WHAT I WANTED!!!I screamed in my mind.I didnt know what to say so I just hooted.I hate this...I said to myself."alright then"lynix laughed."SHUT UP!"I said,of course it came as hoots."aww,that's cute he responded to you!"skiddze teased.CUTE?!I AM NOT CUTE!well.....NO WHAT AM I THINKING NO I AM NOT CUTE WHEN IM LIKE THIS!

{1 month later)
I woke up remembering that I was stuck like this.Kiply even had a "sPecIaL" place for me.I hated this so much.But I knew I can never change so I had to play like I'm a actual owl.I heard kiply whispering to herself wondering where I was.If only she knew that I was this owl.Since I looked at her,she looked at me"oh,did you....um hear me buddy?"she asked.I hated when she called me"BuDdy"it was so annoying.Knowing I can't do anything.I just hooted.She went out side her house.I followed her and went on her shoulder.she was holding a box,I saw it had cookies on it.Since she was heading to lynix's house,I knew it was for him.she knocked on the door,and lynix came out."hey! I see that you Zeus followedyou"lynix greeted.I somehow forgot that kiply called me Zeus.I mean...at least it was a good name.she gave him the cookies."thank you!"lynix said."goodbye"kiply said.she went back into her house.I went back to the place where I was.I had to soon accept that I was stuck like this and just not complain. But it was hard.I was about to sleep .when I said to myself"accept your fate,you'll be here day after,day after,day after,day after.....you know what since I'm going insane,i'll just stop complaining tomorrow and act like a real owl.I hope it won't be to hard to accept. ".I started closing my eyes as I couldn't do anything else....but this.

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