Shot down🦉🐈

149 7 12

Requested by:Mapleshade45
Summary:lynix gets a bow and tries to scare doni by nearly hitting him while flying but accidentally shoots him down
(This might be short I'm having trust problems rn)
Lynix's pov:

I was crafting some armor when I saw doni flying around.I had gotten an idea.I then grabbed some string and sticks from my chest."let's see if he really fears nothing!"I said.I crafted a bow,and aimed it towards the sky were doni was.I tried to aim it infront, since I didn't want to actually hit him.I pulled the string back and....."FIRE"I yelled

Doni's pov:

I was flying around my server,looking on what was happening.I then saw in the corner of my eye something coming towards me.I then noticed it was an arrow,I tried to dodge it,but failed.It shot me in the chest.I tried to continue to fly,but the pain was hard to bear.I then turned over and started to fall.I then hit the floor,starting to loose consciousness.I saw lynix running to me."doni!I'm sorry I didn't mean to hit you!"he yelled."you-?"I was confused.He pulled out a healing potion,and splashed it on me."you're gonna be fine "he reasurred me." Thanks,"I said,"you know I'll get back at you for this,right?".Lynix smiled,"yeah".

Word count:225

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