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Idea by:Rainbreeze38945
Summary:Doni imprints on lynix(imprinting is when an animal,trusts you fully after a long time bonding)
Lynix's pov:

I was looking at my 1 million diamond shovels that rage "accidentally" made,when I saw doni outside of my house.I got abit nervous when he stared coming in."can I have some food?"he asked."what?"I replied confused."food"he repeated."sure.......?"I said.I handed him some watermelon,since it was the only food I had."thanks!"he said."your welcome......"I said.He then exit my house.I didn't think to much of it,so I went back to what I was doing. "What am I going to do with these shovels?" I asked myself."you can give some of them to me!"I heard doni say."AH!"I jumped."sorry"he apologized. "Its ok.....and are you sure you want some of the shovels?" I said."yeah!"he said."ok....."I replied.I gave him 10 shovels."thanks I guess"I said."no problem"he stated.If that happends one more time I will search up what's going on.......maybe its a hrybrid thing?I went out of my house to go mining,to look for diamonds.

I finally finished mining,I got a whole stack of diamonds!I went back to my house and put it in a serccet chest,so rage wouldn't find it.I saw doni coming again.I got tired of him."hey lynix can I-"he tried to say but I inturped him."NO!I'M TIRED OF YOU COMING TO ME!JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!"I yelled at him.He chuckled abit and looked down."do you really mean that?......"he asked."YES!NOW GO!BEFORE I MAKE YOU!"I yelled."ok......"he said.He left my house and flew to his tree.I just rembered that I would have searched up what it means if he keeps following me.I felt abit bad......but he could just be doing this to annoy me right?I sat on my bed and got my computer out.I then searched up,"what does it mean when a bird hyrbid follows you?"
If a bird or another animal starts to follow you it could have imprinted on you.
Next search:what is imprinting?
Imprinting means when a animal,mostly a bird,trusts you fully after a long time bond.The bird will usually follow you,come for food,shelter,and more bonding time if it imprinted on you
End of google search:
I was confused even more,but I felt guilt after reading that."he trusts me fully?......."I said.I went to his tree."doni?"I called his name."what?......"Doni said with a sniffle."I'm sorry for what I did......."I apogolized. "Ok......I forgive you" he said.He flew down from the tree and hugged me.I embraced it.We stopped hugging and started looking at each other."you're are a good friend"I said."I am?don't you hate me because of my trolls?"he asked."no.....I would never"I replied.He smiled at me,it was pretty cute. "Heheh......" He chuckled.I looked behind me to see the sun setting.Doni then sat down.I did as well next to him.He put his wing behind my back.We looked at each other smiling.It was a pretty sight.......seeing the sun set while being with a best friend.

Word count(I have never done this before-):561

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