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Doni's POV:

I was looking at some flowers, also picking some.I wanted to give them to Lynix as well as some a little gift.I wanted to see him be happy and smile.So,i decided this should do it."Lynix is going to love these!"I exclaimed to myself.

Suddenly,I heard footsteps behind me,it sounded like some one was mad.Shrugging it off I heard a tiny chuckle from what sounded like Liger.That's not good.....Once Liger chuckles like that,it means he made something that never happened up,just so he can see the others get mad at each other for something they didn't do.

A hand grabbed my shoulder and I looked back it was Lynix.Lynix looked very mad."WHY DID YOU BLOW MY HOUSE UP AGAIN?!"he shouted.I was taken back abit.I haven't trolled in a month,yes..... A MONTH.

"I didn't!"I defended myself."LAIR!"Lynix's blue eyes were filled with anger.I could practically see flames in his eyes.I tried to speak but he cut me off."nice to know we were never really friends"he spoke cold.I was shocked but I managed to speak abit,"that's not.....true"

Lynix laughed."whatever,'m done with you have a nice life.....f r e a k"he sounded dead serious and he gave me a cold expression like he didn't know what he just said.My heart shattered, it felt like I was being drowned in lies.

My green eyes looked at him shocked and heartbroken."w-what....?"I sounded very hurt.I couldn't believe he said that.This was all liger's fault.He lied on me for something I didn't do!I looked at Liger and he seemed abit shocked too.

It looked like Lynix finally got the sense of what he said.His blue eyes could say it all.Lynix realized what he just now said to me and opened his mouth to say something but then close it as if he was lost for words.

He finally managed to speak,"I didn't mean...".I looked at him hurt, tear were already coming out of my eyes.Lynix reached to put his hand on my shoulder but I hissed at him.My Owl hiss sounded angry and hurt.I quickly turned around and ran into the forest.

Lynix didn't even bother chasing after me,I guess he knew he's already done enough.I ran into my burrow I dug a few days ago.It was my home-well had more.I had home that was a tree and the one I'm in right now, a burrow.Both the tree and burrow entrance was small for them, but since I have a flexible owl body,I could fit though easily.

I wrapped my Wings around my self as I curled up into a what kiply would call,'lil floof ball'.I still couldn't process what Lynix said.I'm usually not emotional...but for some reason I felt like I grew very emotional.Every since Lynix said Liger was his best friend and I'm JUST a 'friend'.As everyone knows,Lynix met me first.But one time Lynix told me,"I wish I met Liger first instead of YOU".Ever since that time I felt like I grew emotional.

My person of comfort used to be Lynix,but then it turned into Kiply.Kiply was just nicer.I get that Kiply can be mean at times, but she is the sweetest,kindest,and the most caring of the group.I wish she was her with me now to comfort me.But Kiply went out mining and won't be back till night.

I sighed.I just have to sleep.That should calm me down.At least that's what google says.But I still can't take my mind off Lynix.Maybe he would be happier without me.I bet if I wished among a star to let Lynix be happy, i would start to fade.I just hope Lynix won't actually be happier without me.

I wonder...does anybody else get this weird feeling when you see your favourite person having a better time with other people than they do with you?like I'm glad they're happy but for some reason it hurts.

Go to sleep.Don't think of this now.Go to sleep Doni.Now,it will only make you feel worse if you stay awake.Your problems will be fixed tommorow.But for now,go to sleep.You need it.Go to sleep.Take all the rest you need.When the sun rises,speak to someone you feel that you can trust them fully.You have every right to speak how you feel inside.Don't always keep this negative thoughts in your head,it's not healthy.Go to sleep.Rest well,Doni

My thoughts washed in me.Well,i guess I'm going to sleep.Goodnight to nobody.....

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