Owl Instincts Wildness🦉🐈🐯

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Doni's pov:

My green eyes gazed at the mouse.My instincts are taking over,I felt it.I will have no control after it when I do.I leap to catch the mouse.My head perks up as I held the mouse in my beak.

The only reason my instincts are taking over,is because of someone.Someone who I guessed wanted me to lose control of myself and act like the ᴡɪʟᴅ ᴀɴɪᴍᴀʟ ɪ ᴀᴍ for their own amusement to watch the chaos.



I scurried up,following where rage lead me.He put on some music.It was the sounds of a river following, the breeze blowing gently at night.The sounds of wildlife came in every now and then.The twitters and hoots of owls,the howls of wolves.

It was a nice feeling to have.The feeling of ✨Wildness✨

I felt my self slowly shift into a world of my creation.I was pretending to be wild again,before they meet me.The fierce and brave hunter I was,picking on small prey.The owl I was.

And then....I flapped my wings.Going up and flying out of Rage's house.I then landed in the forest, and started to hunt.Being the predator I was.

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I had no control of myself anymore.And I think about 2-3 hours maybe more,I don't know,I was messing some stuff up and killing their sheep/chickens for my food like a wild animal would do.I always wished go back to that wild nature I was in before I meet the others, and I have it.... 

Lynix's pov:

I was having a little chat with Liger."Bro that's so-"Liger spoke but was cut off by a hiss.We saw Doni,he was on his all fours-which he did often, so did liger-but he seemed off.....

He was killing some animals like,mouses,chickens,and sheep to eat them for 2-5 hours.Still,he wasn't eating AS much.He just seemed.....wild again

I do remembered Doni saying he wanted to be wild again like he was before he met us.I didn't think he would go this far-well he would ofc-but it looked like he had no control over it.

Just then,I saw Doni pouncing on Kiply.He would normally do this but in a playful manner scene those two have a sibling bond thingy,but this time it was out of aggressiveness.He opened his beak to bite her shoulder.He even drew blood.

Liger and I immediately went over."DONI!STOPP"I yelled.I managed to get Doni off of Kiply."I'll help Kiply" liger announced.As Liger went to help kiply,I turned to Doni."bad."I stared him in his green eyes

I dragged the owl back to my house.As I was,I was scolding him.I felt abit bad since I knew he probably had no control over it.

He was trying to escape from my grip so I put a yellow collar on his neck and put a leash on him to tie him to a fence pole I used to tie my cat,batman."Doni you need to calm down."I said.

He was still acting wild,so I googled how to make an owl calm.It said I have to turn off the lights and be quiet.So I did.

I could still see him abit because of the slight light that came from a glow-in-the-dark queer heart.It was the end of pride month so I had to unfortunately take that dowm later.

A few hours later,Doni was finally back to normal.Phew.That was one heck of a day.

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