deaths 🦉💥🤖🐯

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Requested by:Mapleshade45
Quiff and bionic die a gruesome death( credits to 108283
Because they made something like this first
Doni's pov:

I walked around my lab looking for how I could troll today." no"I sighed as I didn't find ideas I wanted."hey doni!"lynix appeared behind me."ah!"I jumped.lynix laughed."laugh all you want"I said sarcastically."I want to show you something"lynix said."Ok........?what is it?"I asked."coem and find out"lynix smirked.I followed him."soo....where are we going?"I asked."in the forest"lynix replied."OK"I said.We then walked into the forest.lynix began cutting down a tree,but he was doing it half way.....I wonder why."look to your right,there's a zombie!"he yelled."huh"I said as I turned to the right.I only saw a mouse,but nothing else."what do you mean there's only a mous-"I couldnt finish my sentence.I heard the sound of a tree falling.I then fell to the floor
(Not my art I just made it to look like doni)

I then fell to the floor(Not my art I just made it to look like doni)

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The mouse then was in my hand."WAIT!NO YOUR SUPPOSED TO DODGE IT!"I heard lynix yelled."no,no,no!"lynix panicked.I started to black out."NO!"lynix yelled.

                                                                      Bionic's pov:
I was running away from kiply,because I stole her cow."come back here!"she yelled." Your too slow!"I yelled back.I was running around the edge of a gorge,carefully.kiply then jumped on me,and pinned me down."ahh!"I screamed."where did you hide my cow!"she yelled.I rolled over,so I can pin her down "hey!" She yelled.She then kicked me,and I flew off the gorge,because we were pretty close to it.I screamed.I then fell in the water.I tried to swim up,but I got stuck in sea grass.I was trying to get loose,but it was hard.I exhausted myself,and I gave up.I was blacking out,only to see liger try to save me,I wonder where he came from......but it didn't matter I was going to die.....

                                                                               quiff's pov:
I was arguing with rage about my house that blew up."I saw you did it!"I yelled "it wasn't me it was doni" he yelled back. "Doni didn't do it I saw you place tnt and light it right in front of my eyes" I said.I could tell rage was annoyed,but he blew up my house."I'm tried of you "I screamed.I started feeling a little dizzy,and sat down." You OK?"rage asked."no....I'm feeling dizzy"I replied."here is a healing poition "rage said handing me a potion." Thanks"I said.I drank the potion,then rage laughed."why are you laughing?"I asked,feeling more dizzy."you just drank poison! "He laughed." What-*cough*"I said.I did not but cough and cough.I then layed down,to see rage looking at me.I started to loose my consciousness. "I hate you,I've always have!" I yelled before I went unconscious.

Like I said credits to 108283 because they did this first and Mapleshade45 wanted me to do this as well......

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