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Doni's POV

I was walking around the server,everything was burning.I watched in terror as I saw everyone die.I tried to save them but couldn't.Suddenly,I felt someone tackle me.I yelped by suprise.What jumped on me?!

I screamed in agony as I felt sharp teeth sink into my throat.I tried to shake them of,but it was hopeless.I felt the blood prickle down my chest as blood poured from my throat.I was breathing heavily. "Help me!" I screamed.But no one heard me.

I jumped up,waking from my sleep.I was breathing heavily still.It must have been a nightmare. I curled up against the tree I was sleeping by.My sobs turned into cries.It was very obvious it was my cries since my one of course,sounds like an owl.I heard footsteps,so I covered my face with my wings.

Someone then pulled me into a hug,I didn't know who it was.Don't worry about that now I yelled in my thoughts.I hugged onto that person's shirt tightly,My talons digging into their shirt,but not touching their skin to hurt them.I laid my feathered head on their chest as they pulled me closer.

Looking up,I saw that it was Kiply.I was abit shocked,but I kept holding onto her as she comforted me."What's the matter?"she asked calmly. "I had a nightmare where all of you g-guys died and I couldn't do a-anything and someone jumped on me digging their t-teeth into my throat as I slowly died too" I replied.

Kiply hugged me more closer."Well,everything is alright now"She reassured me.I was still crying abit though.Kip!y told me to look at her."repeat after me"she started,"I'm big".I repeated,"I'm big".She spoke,"I'm brave".I looked at her and replied,"I'm brave"."I'm beautiful".I smiled abit before repeating'"I'm beautibol"Of course my crying made me say that instead of 'beautiful'

She tried to get up,bur I clinged on to her so she couldn't move."stay...."I murmured.And....we stayed like that for atleast an hour before I felt comfortable to let her finally move.She's a great friend.
And I loved her for that,In a friend way.


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