Death by fox trap?!🦉🐈🛑

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Summary:doni *ahem*somehow gets caught in a fox trap while running away from something (dont ask where I got this from)
Doni's POV

I was exiting my lab,and went near lynix's house.I saw lynix and kiply,they looked at me and kiply ran away,I don't know why."Hey lynix!" I shouted."heyyyy"lynix smirked at me."why is your face like that?"I asked."no reason"lynix replied.Before I could say other word lynix shouted "now kiply!"lynix yelled.kiply then released a Jaguar,it came close to lynix,kiply followed the jaguar to olynix and started laughing." You see we trained this jaguar to hunt you"lynix explained. "What?!" I said."hope you can run fast!"kiply chuckled.The jaguar began to growl at me."get him"kiply and lynix both said at the same time.The jaguar then pounced,but I dodged it.I then started to run into the forest.I was running so fast like my life depended on it,well it kind of did."I hope they were joking!"I shrieked.I went under a branch that was hanging close to the ground.I was pulled back,I didn't know why at first.I looked behind me and realized I had been caught in a fox trap.I was glad I lost the jaguar but jot so glad that I had been caught in a fox trap,how did this even work?!The fox trap then squeezed around my neck very hard
(Not my original art I just made it look like doni and yes OK its kind of terrible)

I was glad I lost the jaguar but jot so glad that I had been caught in a fox trap,how did this even work?!The fox trap then squeezed around my neck very hard(Not my original art I just made it look like doni and yes OK its kind of terrible)

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I gasped for air and started to struggle to get out."HELP ME!"I screamed.My talons scraped on the dirt as I try to get free.The more I moved the more the fox trap got tighter."HELP!"I yelled,Hoping someone would hear me."HEL-"I fell to the floor before I finished my sentence.I started breathing heavily,as the fox trap got tighter and tighter.My body layed on the floor for a few minutes until I started to black out.

My body layed on the floor for a few minutes until I started to black out

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Lynix's POV:

"Hey lynix have you seen doni?" Kiply asked me."no....."I replied."you don't think we took the prank too far,right? "She had worry in her tone." I think we did"I said."we should go find him its almost sun down"Kiply stated.I nodded.Doni had ran in the direction of the forest so we started to walk there."where do you think he can be?"I asked."I don't know......but I hope nothing bad happened "kiply said.We found pawprints of the jaguar so we decided to follow it. After a while we noticed it went to the right but there was a branch close to the ground.I got curious and took a look at it.I then saw,doni,on the floor." Kiply.......come here"I said.kiply then came to me and stared in shock.He was stuck in a fox trap How did this even happen? I thought."I hope its a prank"kiply said.I started to shake doni."please.....not now!not like this.......I'm sorry"I cried as he didn't move."please......we're sorry"kiply said.He was dead."no,no,no,no,no,no,noNO!.......he can't be!please"I said,guilt filling me.The sun began to set,"its all my fault, I came up with the jaguar idea.....I didnt mean for this to happen"I said.

Its a bit cringe but hey its still good,right?.........

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