2 enters,1 leaves🦉🐊

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Requested by:Mapleshade45
Summary:Doni and aatrix gets trapped in a room called 2 enters 1 leaves
Doni's pov:

I walked over to my brother,aatrix."hey doni!"he said."hi!"I replied."wanna help me get some wood for my house?"he asked."sure" I said.I got my iron Axe,so did aatrix.We went into the forest,"how about this?"he asked."no birch doesn't really look good let's get mangrove"I replied.He nodded.After an hour of searching we finally found a mangrove biome."its this wood right?"aatrix said."yeah" i said"We started cutting down the trees,and of course taking the seeds to plant at the centre of the houses(I think its called a hub right?)I heard some noises,I thought nothing much of it until aatrix asked ,"what was that?"."I don't know"I said.I felt something hard hit my head ,I fell on the floor starting to black out."doni?"I heard aatrix say before it sounded like he got knocked out too.I woke up in a dark room.I looked over to aatrix who was just getting up too.I wonder what knocked us out.

Aatrix's pov:

I woke up in a dark room.I saw doni getting up,suddenly lights came on.A TV was in the room."hello"a voice from the tv said."ahh!"I screamed."dude!don't make noise what if they wants something with us?"doni whispered to me."doni and aatrix"the voice said.We were shocked it knew our names,but we should have excepted it."my name is Count Willow David young the second,but you may call me willow"the voice which was named willow said."what do you want with us!?"doni said.Willow laughed.I looked at doni nervous in case willow will punish us."you two are in a room called 2 enters 1 leaves"Willow explained.I had nervousness in my eyes,I knew what it meant.It didnt mean one just stays here it means one of us dies.I explained that to doni."you two may decided who should stay"willow smirked."doni ik fine by letting you leave me her-"I couldn't finish my sentence. "No!what kind of brother will I be if I let my younger brother die and I survive?" Doni said.I had no choice but to argee,"fine"I gave up.A sword then appeared in the room."have you made your choice?"willow asked."yes,I'll die"doni said."alright then"willow started,"aatrix kill him"he finished."What?! You didn't say that We had to kill the other person"I said."that's to bad!"willow yelled.I picked up the sword."I'm sorry"I said."its ok,If I  had to die,I'll go down sacrificing myself"he said.I then sighed and pinned him down.I hestated but knowing if I don't kill him we can both die.I then stabbed him in the throat.As I did I heard the door open.I shakily went out.I went back to the others and told them everything,while crying.They said it wasnt my fault.Altought I know it isn't my fault I still blamed myself.And I feel like I will  keep this grief with me......

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