nocturnal doni🦉🛑🐈💢

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Requested by:Rainbreeze38945
Summary:doni is nocturnal(owl)and he trolls,but still those it at day,his friends see him and force him to sleep

Doni's pov

I stayed up 7 days,I was getting pretty tired.I was looking at my bed,wanting to go to sleep."no!I have to troll!'I said.I grabbed some tnt,and some flint and steel.I went out of my house,and I went near lynix's house.I placed tnt down.I tried to lit it but failed,because I was too tired."doni?"I heard a voice from behind said.I jumped.I saw rage,kiply and lynix standing behind me."wha-what you guys doing here?"I asked trying to act sleeply."WHY WERE YOU ABOUT TO BLOW UP MY HOUSE!!!"lynix yelled.His yelling hurt my ears,as I was too tired." sorry.....about your-your fish"I said.It was clear I was not thinking straight."are you ok?"kiply asked."yeah I'm fine,bionic"I replied. "Doni,she's kiply,not bionic" rage said."oh..."I said."you seem pretty tired"kiply said."no,I'm fine!"I tried yelling but said it normally."you should go to sleep"Lynix suggested. "No!I said I'm fine!" I said.

Lynix's pov:

I sighed.I grabbed doni by his neck and started to drag him Rage's house."wait!does it have to be my house!?"rage yelled."no,but I want it to be"I replied.I made doni lay on the bed."go to sleep!" Said."no!I said I'm fine!"he yelled.I began scratching his head gently(a way to put owls to sleep).I was glad it worked,or maybe the tiredness got to him."still dont know why its in my house"rage complained.
"Just accept it"I said.I looked at doni,blushing." GAY!"rage said as soft as it will not make doni wake up.Kiply laughed. "Shut up!" I said.At least doni was getting the sleep he NEEDED.

Word count:326

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