Allodoxaphobia 🦉💢

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Summary:what if doni had allodoxaphobia?(the fear of others opinion on you)
Doni's POV:

I yawned as I awoke from my sleep.The sun was pecking through my nest,in my tree.I shook the Tue leaves off of me."I should really fix this"I murmured.My flexible owl body fit through the small hole in my tree,well small for the others.I flew down,my legs touching the soft green grass.I started to walk to the hub,while on all fours.I was Pretty tired,but luckily I have an excuse for walking on all fours.It might seem weird,but my DNA belongs to an owl.So my instinct will kick in sometimes.I started the feel uneasy,as if someone was watching me.What if they think I'm weird?They can think anything of me!I stopped in my tracks and listened for any movement. I heard a twig snap.I tensed,what if they think I'm.......weird?Oh they will!Walking on all fours is weird!what if they start to hate me?What if they leave me?I curled up,and started to hear voices.All of the voices I heard sounded like the others.
"You're weird"
"You're worthless"
"You're such a rat"
"What kind of psycho walks on all fours?!"
"You should be ashamed"
"Scared little emotional owl"
I felt overwhelmed by it.I started to breath heavily,thinking about what they thought of me.Other twig snapped,but this time it was closer.I jumped.I curled up,covering my face with my soft wings.
"You need to be waken up to reality"
Hearing the words agian,I started to panic."doni....?"I heard a voice muttered.I kept silent,not wanting whoever it was find me.A hand was placed on my back,I was shocked by it.My wings slowly uncovered my face,I was even more shocked to see rage."w-what are you doing here?"I asked."I was chopping wood when I heard something "rage replied." I'm starting to actual get worried now"rage confessed.I was stunned by his words."oh......"was all I could get out.I saw as rage checked in his pocket.Looking at his confused,I noticed something green he was pulling out."here,I think you'll like it.......I think"he said.It was a tiny plushie of a frog:

I smiled,and grabbed it from rage

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I smiled,and grabbed it from rage."thanks"I mumbled.I gave a happy chirp and thrill,as I held the frog still laying down.Looking up,I saw rage had a slight smile on his face.I felt alittle playful but tired,so I dragged rage down and hugged him."oof"he blurted as I dragged him down.He laughed and started to kind of pet me.Of course,my instinct took over and I hopped on rage.I was practically lying on him.Hearing a grumble from him I chuckled,"hehe sorry".Rage chuckled as well,"I forgive you"

Word count:546
Here's some food and drinks doni and rage made for you before you leave!
Here's some plates and stuff to eat with:

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