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I told you,I ani't writing a summary anymore

Doni's POV:
(Doni looks like his Minecraft skin btw)

"Ow......." I groaned in pain.I got out of the bush I fell into.I flew up to kiply's house where I had built a nest.After all,I can trust her to not destroy my nest if she finds it,which she hasn't yet.At least I think I can trust her.Who am I kidding?Kiply might know? sometimes.But she is still the nicest on the the server.A tear grew in my eye and it dripped down.I was still groaning in pain.I took out the splinter stuck in my paw,and of hurt.*sighs*I started to preen my feathers,they needed to be preen before I crashed into the bush anyways.I heard a noise behind me,but I was too busing preening my feathers to care.I wonder who it is though.Kiply should be mining,I don't think it is her.Without knowing,I saw a droplet of water touch next to my foot.I touched my face and felt that I was crying.I guess the pain was bad but I didn't register crying.

"Doni?" I heard a voice behind me.I jumped.It was kiply.0h....she's done with her mining I guess."are you okay?"she asked me."yeah,just crashed into a bush"I replied.I continued to preen my wings when I felt someone hug me.I looked up and saw kiply hugging me.And of course,my instincts took over.I gave a happy chirp and thrill.Kiply laughed."you're kinda adorable "she exclaimed. I put my head agianst her chest.((NOT IN A ඞ sussybAkA ඞ WAY YOU WEIRDO))She rubbed my back, and said'is that why you're tearing up?"." No!"I responded.Welp,I finally stopped 'crying' now.

I rubbed my feathered head on her chin.I then said in a voice that was kind of cute "I wuv you". kiply blushed.Please take it as friend,please take it as friends,we are just friends I repeated in my thoughts." Hehe,I know,who wouldn't? "She said.I started to drift off to sleep.I yawned,kiply said because of my beak I 'looked cute' while yawing.Huh,that's a new one.I closed my eyes as I let my body rest,going into a sleep.

Kiply's POV:

I noticed doni going to sleep,so I gently put him comfortably is his nest he built on top of my house.He didn't even ask!I could have helped him.Why do birds build such boring nests?At least he looked comfy.Before I left,I gave doni what every animal wanted.As the animals would call it,'scritchies'.He looked kind of a "" that cat looks cute"" kinda way.I hopped off my roof and went in my house.Jumping in my bed,I saw it was already sundown.I fixed comfortably on my bed and closed my eyes to sleep.I wonder how doni is sleeping rn.

((I ship it,but as friends and sibling bond like thing.Mostly sibling bond like thin because it is more comfortable to talk about.Anything that is more than friends do them....get the hell out of my sight.It is NOT meant to be as relationship. Only friends and sibling bond like thing))

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