A date 🛑💥

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Summary:kiply and quiff go on a date
Quiff's pov:

I grabbed a flower,holding it in my hand as I walk to Kiply's house.what should I even say?I knocked in the door,thinking of a good pick-up line.She open the door."hi quiff you need anything?"she said."uhh do you have a pen or paper?"I asked."no,sorry"she apologized. "No pen?no paper?.......but you still draw my attention" I said bravely and proudly.Kiply chuckled."ok that was a good one"she said."wanna go on......friend date?"I asked. "Sure!" She said.YES!I thought."this is for you......."I said handing her the flower."thanks!its pretty"kiply stated.I walked kiply on a mountain where doni's tree was.I looked up and saw doni.His feathers puffed out,glaring out me.I signaled him the a heart and pointed at kiply.He looked at her,and his feathers went back to normal."so where are we going?"kiply asked."here"I replied leaning on doni's tree.I turned around and looked at doni,signaling him for help.He rolled his eyes.I grabbed a sand which from my picnick basket."here"I handed kiply it."thanks!"she said.As the sun was starting to set,kiply leaned closer to me.Her head was on my shoulder.I heard some hoots.Oh wow doni actually knew how I wanted him to help me,I thought.I took a glance at doni,he was looking at kiply.I wonder if he felt something off?I then looked back at kiply,putting my hand behind her back.As doni gave his last hoot to help me kiply said,"the sunset is beautiful".I smiled looking at her."yeah.....it is"I said.As I was about to say something she grabbed my hand.All of my words went away.Did she know this was more than a friend date."you're a good friend"kiply said."uhhh....kiply......I want to tell you something....."I said nevoursaly. "What is it?" She asked.What I'm trying to do?I'm trying say I love you!I thought."I well I uhm......"I stopped."go on....I wont judge"kiply said."I......love you "I finally said." You know what?.......I love you too......"kiply replied.She loves me too?.......this is the best day ever!I'll thank doni later, but for now it was time for watching the sun fully set.

Word count: 395
Guys please don't judge I haven't written any romance stuff yet

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