Potion mess🐈🦉🤖🐯

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Requested by:Jinjin_143
Summary:doni gets drunk(kind of) because he made an overpowered potion and flirts with lynix and liger and bionic noticed something is up
Doni's pov:

"What else should I add?" I said."uhh spider eye!"I shouted.I then started to brew the potion.I wonder what kind of potion I'll make.It was finally made.I pulled out an empty poition bottle and put some in the bottle."that's weird I dont usually see a potion with pink,red,and black"I grew suspicious. I drank it anyways Everything started to spin,I thought it was just side-effects.I then stepped out my lab,and saw lynix walking out of his house.I felt some weird feeling,I couldn't ingore it,so I started to follow lynix."hey lyni-poo"I said hugging him from behind."ah!"he screamed."whatttt I was just greeting you!"I said."well stop greeting me"lynix laughed.
1 hour later

Liger's pov:

"You sure this is a good idea?" I asked."yeah I'm sure,after all lynix and doni has been acting weird"bionic replied.I couldnt help but think why doni was acting weird around Lynix he usually isn't like that......a lot.Doni then hugged lynix agian,but this time he mangened to make both of them fall down.They both laughed.I wondered what the heck was going on,before I could think I saw them blushing."okay I had enough"I said."dude!"bionic said."nope not dealing with this"I exclaimed.I started to walk away,not wanting to deal with their sinagigans.

Word count:261

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