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Orla walked into the studio the next morning to find Daniel, on the floor, just having finished a solo, with Emily, Giselle and James clapping around him.

"That was amazing!" She heard Giselle say, as they all walked up to congratulate him.

Apart from Emily, who ran up to her best friend. "Orlie! Did you get the message too?"

Yes, Orla had recieved word that Miss Kate had wanted to see her.

"Yup, and I'm guessing so did everyone else?" Orla raised her eyebrows.

"Yeah, well, Giselle did, and so did... um, he," Emily sighed.

Orla clenched her fists. "Great."

She hadn't seen James since that day in Culture Shock, and had been dreading tomorrow, the day when she would gave to get back to rehearsing their duet.

"It's okay, just don't talk to him," Emily sighed. "And I promise-"

"Alright, ladies, come on!" Miss Kate said, coming into the studio suddenly.

"Oh, there she comes!" Emily joked to Orla, who smiled slightly. "Moment of truth!" They shouted in unison, laughing.

"Were you guys talking about me?" Kate asked as the three walked over to where Daniel, Giselle and James were stood.

"Maybe," Emily shrugged.

"Okay, here's the deal," Kate said to the whole group. "We have a few J-Troupe members who are absolutely exceptional, and I would love for you guys to mentor them and help them become better dancers."

Emily smiled, nudging Orla and Giselle in return.

"It's perfect," Kate smiled. "It's going to help the A-Troupers not be so selfish, and it's also going to help the J-Troupe get used to the way that A-Troupe is run."

"That's be awesome!" Giselle exclaimed.

"Yeah!" Orla smiled.

"So, did you already pick them, or...?" Emily asked.

"Yeah, I've already chosen them," Kate smiled. "So, if you guys wanna go get your stuff, they'll actually come meet you back in the studio."

Orla smiled as Emily whispered in her ear. "Looks like you don't have to work with James after all."

Orla nodded. "Thank god."


Orla got Gabi to mentor, which was great. They had similar tricks, similar moves, and a similar sense of humour. Gabi had also known Orla for quite a bit now, as she had been one of Noah's friends on J-Troupe for ages.

"I just feel like that because I already know her, this is gonna go really well," Orla smiled.

"That was good!" She grinned. At the girl's request, Orla had been teaching Gabi how to do a baryshnikov, which the younger girl had inherently requested.

"I just feel so lucky to work with Orla because she's one of the best dancers on A-Troupe, and she's a really good dancer so I can learn so much from her," Gabi grinned excitedly.

"Just make sure to really point your toes on this one," Orla smiled as she watched Gabi try again.

"And engage your core!"

She turned to see James, Josh, his mentee, beside him, both of them doubled up with laughter.

She clenched her fists so hard her nails made marks on her palms and turned back, to see Gabi, frowning at her.

𝑯𝑨𝑵𝑮𝑰𝑵𝑮 𝑯𝑨𝑻𝑺 ♥︎ 𝑶𝒓𝒍𝒂 𝑻𝒂𝒚𝒍𝒐𝒓 (The Next Step)Where stories live. Discover now